Insight Terminal Solutions, Phil Tagami, Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Proponent’s Letter – Part 1


On the matter of the Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal (OBOT) by Phil Tagami, John Siegel, and Insight Terminal Solutions, a former public official wrote this “letter to Oakland” for Zennie62Media, which was hired by ITS for content development and content marketing. The person, who’s not an employee of or involved with Insight Terminal Solutions, wants to communicate the facts about the OBOT project. This is Part One.

Oakland, CA by “A Proponent” – You may have heard from certain activist groups that some irresponsible businessmen are developing a dirty coal project in Oakland that will ruin our air and make our children sick. (Note: Zennie62Media is proud to have Insight Terminal Solutions as a client.)

As a proponent of the project, I want to assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

What John Siegel of Insight Terminal Solutions and Phil Tagami of California Capital Investment Group are building is a new, state-of-the-art transportation terminal called the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal that can carry virtually any material, and in a way that cannot contaminate air quality because the cars carrying the materials are covered and sealed, as this video shows:

Jerry Bridges: Oakland OBOT Covered Commodity Rail Cars
Oakland OBOT Covered Commodity Rail Cars

In fact, every independent study done on the Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal project has reached the same conclusion: the project will make the Oakland port generate far less emissions, make our air far cleaner and most importantly bring desperately needed basic non-tech jobs and prosperity to the city you love – the city that many of us have lived all our lives.

Given all the alarming statements that have been made about the project, its understandable why you might be concerned. All anyone asks is to have the chance to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about what they’re doing and why it’s so important to the Oakland community.

Oakland’s Needs New Development

While Northern California is thought of as one of the more prosperous areas of the country, Oakland is not. Our unemployment rate, at 5.5 percent, is still high and the parts of the city with majority black populations are worse still of in terms of economic success and available work opportunities.

What Oakland needs is new development – new projects that create valuable products and create jobs and prosperity along with them.

As an Oaklander, African American, and businessman, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be a proponent for such a project – the Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal by Insight Terminal Solutions — a project that will bring more than 2000 direct jobs to our community and thousands more in derived business by taking advantage of Oakland’s biggest untapped opportunity.

Next: Part Two: ITS OBOT Is Oakland’s Huge Untapped Opportunity: Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal is a world-class terminal serving the underdeveloped world.

Insight Terminal Solutions, Phil Tagami, Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Proponent’s Letter – Part 1
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