Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf 2020 State Of The City Address Video, Social Media Reactions


Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf gave her “State Of The City Address” four hours ago, and at the Oakland Museum of California. With all of the problems the City of Oakland has faced and faces, what was the social media reaction to what she said? Well, that’s presented below the video embed, which is here:

Here are selected postings on Facebook and Twitter:

Vince Hernández-Ramos · 0:12 You rock ms Mayor

Debra Ross · 1:56 Thank you Mayor Libby and keep Oakland housed, I could have been homeless and all who funded the program.

Debra Washington · 9:36 Hi mayor schaaf pls help Oakland with this homeless crisis.I love your wrk

Tessa Winterberger · 1:02:05 Something needs to be done with the code enforcement department. We will have to leave Oakland for Lack of support.

Rasheedaha Johnson · 1:24:50 Oakland bouta Be Gr8 again. Look’s like a Ghost Town …But them Mexicans bouta sneak right back. Trump Better turn that wall on

M.D. Strong · 1:25:15 Oakland residents need information regarding getting responses from
Building and Planning. Where is the accountability regarding property owners complaints.
There’s absolutely no regard for lay person trying to navigate that part of Oakland municipal govt.

M.D. Strong · 1:11:08 That doesn’t include low income home onwers. Assist home owners with low incomes too convert, garages into dwelling, or upgrade inlaw. I Have paid property taxes all these years through the “White Flight”, the Drive by’s, but I can’t find assistance.
My city council man district 1 Dan Kalb is not interested in property owners like myself.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf 2020 State Of The City Address Video, Social Media Reactions
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