4th Annual Bourgogne, France, Tribal Art Show Next Week


Bourgogne Tribal Art Show! The Bourgogne Tribal Art Show, May 30 through June 2 in Besanceuil, France.

San Francisco is home to one of the world’s most important tribal art shows featuring antique arts from the Pacific, Oceania, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. A number of the European and UK tribal art dealers that have shown in San Francisco over the years have banded together in the past few years to start their own show in the Burgundy region in the South of France.

The 4th annual Bourgogne Tribal Art Show will take place from May 30 through June 2 in Besanceuil, France, next to Cluny, in Saône-et-Loire. One of a kind, the Bourgogne Tribal Show is one of the first international art fairs to be held in the countryside.

So while us Bay Area Oakland and San Francisco residents enjoy the San Francisco Tribal and Textile Arts Show that occurs annual at Fort Mason, this coming week is a great opportunity to get away to the Burgundy region and enjoy the arts, the food, wine and countryside.

While tribal art from Africa, the Pacific, Oceania, Asia, and the Americas, is firmly at the heart of the Bourgogne fair, the Bourgogne Tribal Show also features contemporary and modern arts, Chinese, Indian and Japanese classical arts, classical and Egyptian antiques, Baroque and medieval European sculpture.

The Bourgogne Tribal allows visitors a new, convivial way of discovering (or rediscovering) tribal and classical arts from all over the world. In an idylic environment and a relaxed atmosphere conducive to discovery, exchange and discussion, the Bourgogne offers its public a resolutely different experience.

The four day show takes place in the chamring 18th Century countryside manor of Galerie Bruno Mory in Besanceuil, France, in the heart of Bourgogne (Burgundy) region. Show website: www.tribal.show. Hours are : Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Honorary Presidents of Bourgogne Tribal Show Are From California

The honorary presidents of the Bourgogne Tribal Show are from San Francisco, California. The tribal-art collectors, who focus on the Pacific, Himalayas, and Indonesia both grew up in academic households and had the good fortune from early on to meet scholars, see traveling exhibitions and learn from returning Peace Corps members who brought back exotic artworks.

This gave the couple an early interest in unusual and different arts and cultures. Their 20+ years of passion for collecting art together is enhanced by their company’s work in the fields of politics, advertising and public relations communications.


As usual, the Bourgogne Tribal Show’s selection of participating galeries is testament to its appreciation for diversity. The fair will welcome young dealers as well as historic figures of many fields: contemporary art with Bruno Mory, classical Asian art with Michael Woerner, Indian art with Alexis Renard, Japanese art with Max Rutherston, Archeology with Laura Bosc de Ganay and Jean- David Cahn, medieval art with the Sismann Gallery. Dealers include:

Laura Bosc de Ganay – Arteas Ltd www.arteasltd.com

Didier Claes Gallery www.didierclaes.com

Cahn Contemporary www.cahn.ch

Laurent Dodier Gallery www.laurentdodier.com

Bruce Floch www.brucefloch-artspremiers.com

Flak Gallery www.galerieflak.com

Patrik Fröhlich Gallery www.tribalart.ch/

Furstenberg Gallery –Precolombian Art www.galerie-furstenberg.ff

Stéphane Jacob Australian Arts www.artsdaustralie.com

Ben Hunter Tribal Art www.benhunter.co.uk

Jacques Lebrat – Punchinello Gallery www.punchinello.fr

Serge Le Guennan – Gallery SL www.galerieleguennan.fr

Bruno Mory Gallery www.galerie-bruno-mory.com

Guihem Montagut Gallery www.galeriamontagut.com

Anthony JP Meyer – Oceanic & Eskimo Art www.meyeroceanic.art

Alexis Renard – Islamic and Indian Art www.alexisrenard.com

Max Rutherston Ltd www.rutherston.com

David Serra Gallery www.davidserra.es

Adrian Schlag -Tribal Art Classics www.tribalartclassics.com

Sismann Gallery www.galerie-sismann.com

Tischenko Gallery www.tischenko-gallery.com

Sisi Tatu www.sisitatu.com

Michael Woerner Oriental Art

Curator : Coco Fronsac
From 31 May till 28 July, 2019

In May 2019, esteemed contemporary artist Coco Fronsac will be the curator of the exhibition at the Cluny Abbey. She is credited with many exhibitions including Coco Loti – in collaboration with the Flak Gallery – and also La Belle et les Bêtes with the Valois Gallery. For this Bourgogne Tribal Show 4th edition, Coco Fronsac chose to explore the theme of Idols.

To present objects of art outside Europe in a high place of world heritage, symbol of Latin Christianity, is to make dialogue between cultures, to value each of these cultural heritages. Cultural mediation devices will best meet the expectations and curiosity of visitors, whether they are great amateurs or neophytes. An exhibition booklet and a young public booklet will also be made available to visitors.


The best of tribal arts in an exceptional setting: the Bourgogne Tribal Show is hosted at Besanceuil, just a few kilometers from Cluny, on the private estate of contemporary art dealer Bruno Mory. The farm buildings – dating from the 15th and late 18th centuries –, the contemporary sculpture park and view from the Clunisois hilltops provide the most remarkable surroundings for visitors.

The open-plan exhibition spaces, shared by several dealers, bring artwork from different lands and times together under the stunning lighting arrangements of experts Art et Lumière.

The Bourgogne Tribal Show offers the perfect occasion for a springtime break. For long walks in the fresh air through beautiful villages and farms: a way to explore Southern Burgundy’s cultural heritage – its castles, the town of Cluny and its Abbey, the Romanesque churches and the great wines.

Along with Julien Guillot (Les Vignes du Maynes) – a supporter of the Bourgogne Tribal Show from the outset – the fair’s winemakers (Les Vignes du Maynes, Domaine de Chervin, Domaine Tripoz, Domaine Valette, Château des Rontets, Domaine Guillemot-Michel, Domaine Hervé Philippe) will take visitors on a journey of gastronomical discovery with their exceptional wines produced with care and expertise, using methods respectful of both tradition and the environment.

In a space dedicated to its partners, the Bourgogne Tribal Show invites visitors to discover the diversearray of actors and trades involved in the tribal-arts world. The organisations and professionals dedicated to expanding knowledge of extra- European arts and civilisations, as well as the Friends’ societies involved in conserving and promoting the astonishing collections housed in their museums, will all be on hand to engage with the public. Specialists, from pedestal makers to professional restorers to insurers – all those involved in the promotion and conservation of the art on display – will present the varied aspects of their work.

Art & Lumière
Appia – Art & Assurance
Le Purgatoire – 54 Paradis
Serge Dubuc, restaurateur
Atelier de Soclage lyonnais
Géraldine Albers, fresquiste
Détours des mondes
ACAP – Amis des Cultures et des Arts premiers
Tribal Art magazine

Practicals informations

Free entrance
30 May – 2 June 2019 www.tribal.show

When ?
Thursday from 11a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Where ?
Galerie Bruno Mory Besanceuil 71460 FRANCE

By Train
Mâcon-Loché tgv station 30 min from Besanceuil 1h20 from Paris

A free shuttle will be running in between Mâcon-Loché TGV station
and the Bourgogne Tribal Show, as well as in between the Bourgogne Tribal Show and Cluny Abbey.

By Plane

Lyon-Saint-Exupéry international airport 1h away

4th Annual Bourgogne, France, Tribal Art Show Next Week
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