Aaron Rogers Gets Vaccine View From Joe Rogan, Same Guy Who Uses The N-Word

Aaron Rodgers Timeline All Of The Packers Drama From Jordan

To me, Aaron Rogers was one NFL personality I could count on for a calm, reasoned take. Because, like me, he graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, I assumed his thought process was similar to mine, even if I earned a master’s degree and not an under graduate degree.

I thought Rogers understood the plight of black men in American society and, in total, had all of the requisite check-boxes such that he was a contemporary, dare I say, liberal, thinker. Or, if he was conservative, it was not of the, what I call, “couch potato”, kind – in other words a closet racist – and more classical, with a keen understanding of economics and institutions.

Boy, was I wrong.

Well, all that went to hell when it was revealed that Green Bay Packers Quarterback and Super Bowl Champion signal caller Aaron Rogers was hiding the fact that he was interested in and did not seek to take either of the available vaccines made to battle COVID-19. On top of that, Rogers told the world that his world view on the vaccine was shaped by some guy with a podcast named Joe.

A dude named Joe Rogan who is an “American podcast host, UFC color commentator, comedian, and former television presenter” according to his Wikepedia page. But nothing that describes Joe Rogan reads “Doctor of Medicine”, which is who any reasonable person would expect to go to for advice on COVID-19. Right?

Well, not Aaron Rogers. By letting lose with the Joe Rogan worship and medical advice blast, Aaron Rogers reveled that was just a guy who went to Cal Berkeley and played for our football team, rather than someone who embodies the ideals of our great university. One basic Cal Berkeley ideal is one does not run around saying stupid crap, telling the world they follow a guy who commonly uses the n-word. Yeah, I’m talking about Joe Rogan. Ever seen this?

Aaron Rogers “Good Friend” Joe Rogin Blasts Out The N-Word Regularly, Which Pretty Much Means He’s Racist

Aaron has couch-potato conservative written all over him:

Or how about the time Joe Rogin referred to a black neighborhood as “Planet of The Apes”? Don’t believe me? I wish I were making this up. I’m not. Look:

So, we have to ask if Aaron Rogers knew this about his close friend? Also, does Rogers blast out the n-word for pleasure when no one’s looking? Why did Rogers elect to blast “woke” points of view? Mr. Rogers would do himself and his fans a favor by cleaning up this mess. You take on the scent of those you chose to sleep with.

Right now, Rogers is taking on the smell of a racist. That certainly gives a new perspective to Rogers behavior with respect to Jordan Love, the black Packers NFL quarterback who was drafted in the 1st round of the 2020 NFL Draft. Was Rogers petulant behavior really because Green Bay drafted a black signal caller to replace him? One hopes not, but, again, Aaron’s not giving me much reason to think he doesn’t have a race problem.

Stay tuned.

Aaron Rogers Gets Vaccine View From Joe Rogan, Same Guy Who Uses The N-Word
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