After Prevailing in State Recall Election, Governor Gavin Newsom Visits Oakland Melrose Leadership Academy

Gavin Newsom at Melrose Oakland

One Day After Prevailing in State Recall Election, Governor Gavin Newsom Visited Melrose Leadership Academy
Oakland – The day after he won the state recall election, Governor Gavin Newsom came to Oakland so he could spend part of his day with the students at Melrose Leadership Academy. It was an event that he was clearly excited for, as he greeted hundreds of students across MLA’s Maxwell campus. Newsom met with students who were talking about special elections and others who are planning to run for student government. He sat in a class for a listening session with a small group of students. And he sat with younger kids on the play yard, and joined others as they enjoyed a popsicle.

Governor Newsom speaking with students about the special election and important California issues.
Everywhere he went, the students asked for and received high fives, fist bumps, handshakes, selfies and autographs. Gauging by the students’ reaction to him, Newsom seemed less like a politician and more like a rock star or famous athlete. After meeting him, one student said “I just shook his hand. I won’t be washing this hand again.”

Most students who met Governor Newsom asked for an autograph. He obliged almost every one of them.
When Newsom met with the students focused on special elections, he asked them what the top issues the state is facing right now are. The first response was climate change. Then students added healthcare, education, racism, homelessness. The Governor responded by saying he doesn’t need his own advisors when he has them because they were so on point with their answers.

Governor Newsom spoke with students about the importance of being a good listener.
In the classroom, he discussed with the group how important listening to each other is, and how it shows respect. Between stops, Newsom would causally poke his head in classrooms and say hello. Or he would see students leaning out of their classrooms, and greet them with a fist bump. In organizing the visit, the Governor’s team said he wanted to have a day of getting back to the business of governing, which includes visiting schools and seeing education in process.

As students enjoyed their popsicles, Newsom talked with them as a scrum of media shot video and photos. Then a student named Donario walked up to show off his dribbling skills with a basketball. He gave Newsom the ball, who spun it on one finger impressing everyone. For his efforts, Donario is being interviewed by ESPN for the sports news show, SportsCenter.

Governor Newsom high fiving Donario, a student who showed off his basketball handling skills.
The Governor spent several hours on campus doing a news conference and a few individual interviews, but most of his time he was interacting with students and staff. He was joined by State Senator Nancy Skinner, Alameda County Superintendent LK Monroe, OUSD Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Oakland Education Association President Keith Brown, and he was escorted around the campus by Principal Brianne Zika.

Governor Newsom walking with Senator Nancy Skinner (left), and MLA Principal Brianne Zika.
It was a memorable day for the students, but it seemed to be the same for Newsom. His staff said that the campaign was long and stressful and that the time with the students had a positive impact on him. There is no question his visit had a positive impact on the students, as well.

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Post based on press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media, Inc.

After Prevailing in State Recall Election, Governor Gavin Newsom Visits Oakland Melrose Leadership Academy
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