Amy Klobuchar Will Be President Of The United States


Here’s why Amy Klobuchar, Senior Senator of Minnesota, will be the next President of the United States!

Assuming the Democratic Party leadership can ever make it over the hump and come to the painfully obvious conclusion that a divided party equates to the weakest possible support for a candidate – as happened with Hillary Clinton and the holdouts for “Bernie Sanders or No One” – we’ll have a Democratic Party primary in 2020 that unites rather than divides the party.

In order to make up for the failed effort to gain a woman Presidency, in 2016, a more charismatic woman than Hillary Clinton will be chosen from all the candidates the Democrats can offer, despite any other of the good to great candidates available:

Though a lot of Democrats have overwhelming respect for Senator Elizabeth Warren, some see her as strident and having an often scolding tone that is off-putting and indications of an unyielding personality, making her too vulnerable in any race against the oligarchy of Donald Trump.

It’s highly unlikely that Michelle Obama might run, if only because of her lack of legislative experience, a “fault” she herself has mentioned before.

Same with Oprah Winfrey and just about anyone else with great national recognition but little ability to work back and forth across the aisles and emerge with a loyal following amongst her congressional peers.

That leaves Senator Kamala Harris, a less-than-two-year Senator from California, the most liberal State in the Union, who will likely garner more than the same enmity and attacks from the alt-right than even Obama earned.

As you have fallen into my trap of 3 – 2 odds offered for Amy over the rest of the pack, I’ll be waiting smugly in Oakland, at the Trappist Bar, on Wednesday, November 7th to collect on our wager…

After all, with a campaign tune of “Once In Love With Amy” versus whatever the opposition can come up with to rhyme with Kamala, it’s a sure bet!

Note: the opinion of Steve Lowe is not necessarily that of Zennie62Media or any of its partners or investors or other contributors.

Amy Klobuchar Will Be President Of The United States
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