Annie Campbell Washington Story Of Leaving Oakland City Council Because Of Desley Brooks Not True


Oakland Councilmember Annie Campbell Washington fashioned a story where she was leaving the Oakland City Council because of the toxic, corrupt environment hallmarked by Oakland Councilmember Desley Brooks.

This was the claim made two Thursday’s ago.

But it was revealed to me and the Goldman School article shown in the video and that you can see here, reflects that Councilmember Campbell Washington took the job of Executive Director of the Master of Public Policy Program at the UC Berkeley policy school and was named for it to the public on January 28th, 2018.

Because the Goldman School’s news webpage is not on Google News, the article did not pop up to be reported on by other media outlets.

But the question is why didn’t Annie reveal this to anyone and to the media? Did she and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf cook up this alternative story just to form a campaign against Brooks? It sure looks that way.

One observer said to me that it could have been that Annie ran for re-election after she was named to the job at the Goldman School. but City of Oakland records show that Washington filed to run for reelection November 2018 as far back as August of 2017.

In order for Annie to have been named to the Goldman School post January 28, 2018, she would have had to interview for the position in 2017. That was far before the racor of 2018 between Brooks, Mayor Schaaf and Councilmember Campbell Washington and Oakland District Three Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney argued over Rules Committee changes that Brooks believed were targeted for her.

As for the Goldman job, it looks more and more like an opportunity that dropped into Annie’s lap in 2017. So she went for it.

But this cover story about Brooks looks bad for Annie and for Libby, too.

Stay tuned.

Annie Campbell Washington Story Of Leaving Oakland City Council Because Of Desley Brooks Not True
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