Author : Dr Kyla Johnson-Trammell

Oakland Schools News – OUSD Makes Changes To COVID Protocols For All Staff

Dear OUSD Community, It has been a beautiful and very moving start to the school year, and we are thrilled to see our students, families, and staff back on our campuses. The safety and well-being of everyone in our community is the highest priority for all of us. We write today to announce a critical […]

OUSD Superintendent: I Hear Your Frustration, Pain, and Anger About Our Criminal Justice System

I Hear Your Frustration, Pain, and Anger About our Criminal Justice System, and I Feel It, too. Dear OUSD Community, As you know, we’ve had a lot going on in the District. But like you, I have also been focused on the disturbing news from across the country. Once again in the news are the […]

Oakland Schools Superintendent On Passage Of OEA – OUSD Tentative Agreement, Reopening Phase

Letter from Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell Superintendent, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Dear Oakland Unified Community, The Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is excited to announce that the Oakland Education Association (OEA), the teachers’ union, has informed us their membership voted to pass the Tentative Agreement reached by OEA and OUSD to support the return of […]

On International Women’s Day, OUSD Celebrates All Women and Girls In Our Community

Dear Oakland Unified Community, Here in Women’s History Month, on March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day. This is a day that holds special meaning to me because of all the remarkable and powerful women in my life. The whole reason I am even in education is the influence that my mother and grandmother had […]

OUSD Superintendent: Black History Month is Here, But We Need More than A Celebration

From OUSD Superintendent Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell Dear Oakland Unified Community, I am both proud to say we are now in Black History Month, and disheartened to know that in our world, it is quite clear that the forces that try to diminish Black voices and heritage have been emboldened. The past year has been wrought […]

OUSD Superintendent Calls On All To Unite In Face of Events In Washington, D.C.

Dear Oakland Unified Community, I am heartbroken for our country. What is happening in Washington, D.C. is outrageous and criminal. And I am holding our students, families and staff in my heart. Not surprisingly, these events in the nation’s capitol have some members of our community, especially our students, upset and scared. Of course, Oakland […]

The Surge In The Pandemic Is Causing Us To Change Our OUSD Reopening Plans

An online letter from OUSD Oakland Unified School District Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell Dear OUSD Community: We recently shared our OUSD plan to reopen schools for in-person instruction with January 25, 2021 as our target starting date. Unfortunately, COVID transmission and cases in our county continue to worsen. Before we break for the winter holiday, I […]

Oakland Schools OUSD 2020-21 Proposed Reopening Plan Submitted To Alameda County

Dear Oakland Community, Today I am writing to let you know that we have finalized our COVID-19 Health and Safety Reopening Plan and Program (Reopening Plan) for reopening our schools to in-person learning and instruction. The plan includes the components required by the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) regarding reopening for in-person instruction and […]

OUSD Has Newly Elected Board of Education Directors; Swearing-In Takes Place In January

Oakland Unified School District New Board of Education Directors Dear Oakland Unified Community, As we have been talking over the past few weeks, Tuesday, November 3 was an enormous election for our city, the state of California, and the United States. Here in OUSD, as you know, we saw voters pass Measure Y, the bond […]

Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, OUSD Superintendent, On Oakland’s Kamala Harris, Vice President

Dear Oakland Unified Community, You’re looking at Norman Rockwell’s famous painting of a little girl in a white dress walking into school that perfectly illustrates the fight for civil rights in education. That little girl was six year old Ruby Bridges, and she had to be escorted by federal marshals enforcing the integration of her […]

Welcome Back To School 2020 Oakland And Complete The Tech Check Survey!

Welcome Back To School 2020 From Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell OUSD Superintendent Dear Oakland Unified School District Community, I am happy to say that the 2020-21 school year begins today, Monday, August 10! I want to welcome all students, staff and families back to teaching and learning in Oakland Unified School District Community, or “OUSD”. Although […]

OUSD Superintendent Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell: COVID-19 Update 4-4-2020

OUSD Superintendent Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell Letter To Oakland Unified School District Community Dear Oakland Unified Community, I write to you today with a brief COVID-19 update and to share some of my thoughts regarding the public health crisis which continues to evolve and has us changing the way we operate to serve our students. It […]

Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell OUSD Superintendent Letter On Recent Board Meetings

Dear Oakland Unified Community, What happened at Wednesday night’s Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Board of Education meeting is troubling and not reflective of who we are as a community. I am writing to provide some background on recent events. It is important for us to begin to address this situation from a place of […]

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