Oakland Launches City’s First Tiny Home Village On City-Owned Parcel At Lake Merritt

City Of Oakland

Oakland Launches City’s First Compassionate Tiny Home Village Homeless Intervention on City-Owned Parcel at Lake Merritt Site Preparation Begins This Week to Transition Up To 65 Unhoused Residents Into Dignified, Supportive Housing with Wrap-Around, Trauma-Informed, and Harm Reduction Services OAKLAND, CA — Yesterday, Monday, August 2, 2021, site preparation began to create a tiny home … Read more

Nikki Fortunado Bas – Oakland City Council President To Walk With Chinatown Volunteers

Nikki Fortunado Bas, Oakland City Council President

Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunado Bas To Join Chinatown Volunteers Strolling Monday Morning to Support Alternative Community Safety Strategies WHEN: Tomorrow, Monday, July 12, 10:30 a.m. PST WHERE: 1200 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94612 WHO: Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas + District 2 Representative Volunteer Oaklanders in bright yellow vests and gloves picking up … Read more

Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas On Mayor Schaaf’s Budget

Nikki Fortunado Bas, Oakland City Council President

I hope Mother’s Day was fantastic for our beloved sisters, aunties, grandmothers, daughters, mothers & more — chosen and blood. Mother’s Day morning, I joined the senior volunteers with Toi Shan Association to surprise them with flowers and stroll the streets to support community safety in Chinatown. On Friday, Oakland Mayor Libby Mayor Schaaf released … Read more

Nikki Fortunato Bas Oakland City Council Pres On MACRO, City Budget, And San Antonio Park

Nikki Fortunado Bas, Oakland City Council President

Dear Oakland, This Women’s Month, I’m sharing the stories of inspiring female and femme leaders who are dreaming and achieving love and justice for the people. Check out our spotlights on the fierce young Radical Monarchs (pictured below), our newly appointed City Clerk Asha Reed, and more features to come of women who’ve inspired me … Read more

Moms 4 Housing Now A Community & Land Trust-Owned Home – Oakland Councilmember Bas

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Oakland District Two Councilmember Nikki Bas’ Digitized Newsletter

Last week, I was so moved to see #MomsHouse on Magnolia Street finally become community-owned as permanently affordable, transitional housing for unsheltered mothers.

Congratulations to Dominique Walker, Tolani King, Misty Cross, Sameerah Karim and Carroll Fife for leading this movement to end corporate speculation and house more Oaklanders. I am proud to have stood with them over the last year to call attention to making housing a human right, together with Council President Rebecca Kaplan, Councilmember Dan Kalb and Assemblymember Rob Bonta.

Moms 4 Housing
Moms 4 Housing

Sustainable, Healthy Use of Lake Merritt – Lake Merritt Vending Pilot Program Update

Coming out of the second weekend of our Lake Merritt Vending Pilot Program, we were excited to be joined by Parks and Recreation Advisory Commissioner Dwayne Aikens, Cultural Affairs Commissioner Kev Choice, the Oakland Black Vendors Association and neighbors to:

• Promote health and safety during COVID-19,
• Support struggling small businesses and entrepreneurs in this difficult time, and
• Ensure sustainable, equitable and inclusive long-term use of the Lake.

This pilot program for merchandise vendors will take place through November 22nd on El Embarcadero and along Lakeshore to Beacon from 10am to 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
This weekend, Community Ready Corps (CRC) will be joining the pilot to promote public health during COVID. Volunteers will distribute COVID kits that have face masks, hand sanitizer and gloves to help promote compliance with the County Health Order.

My team is grateful for the collaboration of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (PRAC), the Oakland Black Vendors Association, James “Old School” Copes, city departments, and the community to ensure access, safety and equity at the Lake for everyone in our city.

This is what an Oakland for all of us means to me — working with a coalition of diverse stakeholders to ensure the Lake, as our city’s pride, is an enjoyable public space that each of us can use.

Moms 4 Housing
Moms 4 Housing

TUESDAY 10/20: Oakland City Council Meeting Preview Homeless Encampment Management Policy and Community Safety

Tuesday, October 20th’s 1:30pm City Council meeting will include the following important agenda items:

Item 6: COVID-19 Emergency Response And The Creation Of Clean Air Buildings For Use Of The Community During The COVID-19 Shelter In Place Emergency.

Thanks to our awesome District 2 constituent and outgoing Cleveland Heights Neighborhood Council Co-Chair Rachel Broadwin for introducing us to Dr. Rupa Basu, Section Chief for the Air and Climate Epidemiology Section of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment at CalEPA. At our September Council meeting, I expressed concern that our air quality and temperature triggers were too high to fully protect the health and safety of our most vulnerable residents. At my urging, our Fire Department staff met with Dr. Basu to discuss recommendations for activating extreme weather Emergency Respite Centers (ERC) in Oakland. As an outcome of the conversation and further discussions with internal stakeholders and community feedback, the activation triggers for the City of Oakland have been lowered to an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 200 – Very Unhealthy (versus what was previously 250) and temperatures forecasted to reach/exceed 95 degrees for 2 consecutive days or 100 degrees in one day. We are grateful for Dr. Basu and Rachel’s important expertise as we navigate these challenging times!

Item 7: Gun Violence Top Law Enforcement Priority resolution from President Kaplan to prioritize the decrease in illegal guns and gun violence by increasing gun tracing, improving response time to shooting notifications, and prioritizing response to gun crime.

Item 8: Homeless Encampment Management resolution, which proposes to designate priority areas for encampment management and outlines actions including the criteria for assessing what locations will be prioritized for enforcement or other homelessness interventions from the city.

Item 14: Adopt either the resolution proposed by the Oakland Police Commission or Oakland Police Department banning the carotid restraint and all forms of asphyxia.

Item 16: I’m co-sponsoring with President Kaplan, a resolution Terminating the Oakland Police Department’s Participation In The Joint Terror Task Force to ensure compliance with our local and state laws and focus on threats based on evidence, not bias or racial profiling.


See details to join the meeting and provide public comment. You can also share e-comments here.

TUESDAY 10/27: Community & Economic Development Meeting – Impact Fees, Economic Recovery Recommendations


On Tuesday October 27th at 1:30pm, the Community and Economic Development Committee will discuss two important items:


Item 2: Informational report on Impact Fees for Affordable Housing, Jobs/Housing, and Transportation and Capital Improvements, and
Item 3: Informational report on the Economic Recovery Council’s Draft Recommendations.


Oakland Workers, Know Your Rights! COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave

Oakland Workers Rights
Oakland Workers Rights


Thank you to East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE) for creating Know Your Rights materials on the emergency protections for Oakland workers passed by Council earlier this summer, which I was proud to co-sponsor.


The City’s Emergency Paid Sick Leave policy requires certain employers to provide leave to workers who test positive for COVID-19, present symptoms, are caring for family members who were exposed or present symptoms, or are at high risk from an infection. Check out and share the flyers in English and Spanish so that Oakland workers are aware of their rights!


City of Oakland; District 2 News and Resources
County Reopening Updates, Small Biz Legal Support, Grants for Home-Based Business


New County Health Orders Allow Additional Business Operations: Effective October 9, Alameda County now allows: hotels & lodging for tourism with their fitness centers and indoor pools restricted; museums, zoos & aquariums indoors at < 25% capacity; personal care services indoors with modification (services requiring removal of face covering still prohibited); gyms and fitness centers indoors at < 10% capacity with restrictions on aerobic exercise and classes. While the update allows partial reopening of libraries, Oakland Public LIbrary will remain closed for indoor services until plans are in place for safely reopening the buildings.

Beginning Friday, October 16, Alameda County will permit additional outdoor activities, including playgrounds, that follow the State’s guidance. Additionally, Alameda County is preparing to update the local Health Officer Orders to permit additional activities during the week of October 26. These activities will include: indoor dining up to 25% capacity or less than 100 people, whichever is less; indoor worship services up to 25% capacity or less than 100 people, whichever is less; indoor theaters up to 25% capacity or less than 100 people, whichever is less; expansion of indoor retail and malls at up to 50% of capacity and permitting limited food courts.

County Guidance on Safe Halloween Practices: Bay Area health officials recently released guidance on how to celebrate Halloween and Dia de los Muertos safely. Gatherings, celebrations, events or parties with non-household members are not permitted unless conducted in compliance with local and state health orders. Please avoid participating in traditional trick-or-treating where treats are handed to children who go door to door and do not have trunk-or-treat where treats are handed from car trunks lined up in large parking lots.

See also this guidance from the CA Dept. of Public Health:

Many traditional Halloween celebrations, such as parties and door-to-door trick-or-treating, pose a high risk of spreading COVID-19 and are strongly discouraged by CDPH
Not only do traditional celebrations pose a spread risk, they would also result in great difficulty in conducting appropriate contact tracing
Local Health Departments may have additional, more stringent restrictions
CDPH recommends that families begin planning for safer alternatives.

Legal Help for Oakland Small Businesses with Lease Negotiations: Oakland has allocated $150,000 of California CARES funding to the nonprofit Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the SF Bay Area to provide legal advice and assistance on lease negotiations to small businesses that have suffered revenue losses due to COVID-19. Business owners can access these free, multilingual legal services here, such as commercial leasing webinars through mid-December, 1:1 one-hour consultations and longer-term assistance which may include lease negotiation, pre-litigation and settlement negotiations or representation in a court proceeding.

$2-4K Grants for Home-Based Businesses: Income from a home-based business is often a big source of household income for our city’s entrepreneurs. The Oakland CARES Act Home-Based Business Grant program will distribute $500,000 to home-based, for-profit businesses. Apply here by 11:59pm on Monday, November 2 in 4 languages. Priority will be given to businesses representing a broad geographic diversity in Oakland, especially those located in low-income areas or otherwise historically vulnerable communities; those who have received $4,000 or less in funding from the Paycheck Protection Program; and those with annual gross business revenue under $150,000.

Several Grants Extended:

The Oakland CARES Act Small Business Grant Program will accept applications until 5 p.m. on Friday, October 23. This program will provide $10,000 grants to qualifying Oakland small businesses that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and have gross revenues under $2 million. Online applications and eligibility requirements in four languages are available at: mainstreetlaunch.org/oakland-cares-act-grant/
The application deadline for the Oakland CARES Nonprofit Grant Fund has been extended to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 28. This program will award grants of up to $25,000 to qualifying community-serving nonprofits with annual budgets of less than $1 million that address the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of low-income residents and businesses in the following areas: Health & Human Services; Economic & Workforce Development; Legal Support; Food Security; Homeless and Renter Support Services; and Education. Online applications and eligibility requirements are available at: communityvisionca.org/oaklandcares/

The application deadline for the Oakland CARES Fund for Artists and Arts Nonprofits impacted by COVID-19 has been extended to 1pm Friday, October 23. The program will distribute awards of up to $20,000 to arts nonprofits with annual budgets of less than $2.5M, while supporting individual artists with grants of up to $3,000 each. Learn more here.

Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation’s 1st Citywide Parks Workshop: Whether you’re an experienced community leader or a new volunteer, join this free workshop taking place on Saturday, November 14, from 9:00am to 1:00pm to collaborate and learn about strategies and tools to improve Oakland parks. Learn more and register here.

East Bay Community Energy’s Resilient Home Program: Oakland has partnered with nonprofit public electricity provider East Bay Community Energy to launch a solar + battery backup program for homeowners. EBCE has partnered with Sunrun to provide no-cost / obligation-free consultations and will provide a proposal for your consideration. If you decide to move forward, there is a $1,250 incentive to homeowners that enroll their battery in the program and share power with EBCE during peak times when there isn’t a power outage. Since launch in August, nearly 700 homeowners countywide have registered for consultations. Sign up for your consultation and learn more at upcoming webinars.
Voting Reminders
Vote Early!

Given the pandemic and the threats to our democracy, please vote early. All registered voters will be sent an absentee ballot automatically to limit COVID exposure. You must register to vote to receive an absentee ballot!

You can vote in person or drop off your ballot at the Alameda County Registrar of Voters: 1225 Fallon Street, Room G1, Oakland, or put it into one of the official, free 24-hour drop boxes anytime by November 3rd 8pm. If you use a USPS mailbox, postage is free, and it’s critical to vote early!

You can also sign up to track your ballot.

October 19th is the last day for regular online voter registration.
October 20th – November 3rd, you can do same day voter registration.

On November 3rd, you can vote in person or drop your ballot off at your polling place by 8pm.

With many measures on the ballot, my go-to guides are Oakland Rising’s Voter Guide and the CA AAPI Voting Guide in seven AAPI languages.

With Oakland Love,

Nikki Fortunato Bas
Councilmember, City of Oakland, District 2

Sustainable, Healthy Use Of Lake Merritt – Nikki Fortunato Bas, Oakland District 2 Councilmember

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Sustainable, Healthy Use of Lake Merritt: Pilot Program Beginning this Weekend

The issues at Oakland’s Lake Merritt are complex, with groups having different needs and perspectives, all of which are important and that we are working to honor — families and elders facing challenging issues living at the Lake, entrepreneurs / vendors of color seeking economic stability during uncertain times, park users, and wildlife conservationists. In a recent update, I shared the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission / PRAC’s recommendations for sustainable use of Lake Merritt, which sought to balance the two perspectives below:

What is going on around the Lake is not sustainable and must change ASAP.
People need healthy outdoor places to gather and engage in commercial activity, especially during these unprecedented times.

On September 16th, PRAC voted to recommend a pilot program to deter illegal parking and vending; promote compliance with park rules and County rules during COVID; and address challenges such as late night noise.
The City, in coordination with the Oakland Black Vendor Association, is developing this pilot for merchandise vendors to take place along El Embarcadero and in the Lakeview Library parking lot on weekends beginning this Saturday, October 3rd, 10am – 6pm. Note: If air quality reaches the 150+ Unhealthy level, the program will be postponed until next weekend.

The City of Oakland is working to resolve concerns related to late night noise, large gatherings prohibited under COVID, etc. in coordination with the launch of the pilot. Our goal is to reset the tone at the Lake and address the core issues that we’ve heard from neighbors, while also maintaining an inclusive, equitable and safe public space during COVID and beyond.

Oakland Police Department will work with our municipal code officers this weekend to warn vendors of increased enforcement action as the pilot begins, and my office will continue to engage and encourage vendors to participate in this new pilot.

We welcome your feedback. We are grateful to the Oakland City Administrator’s Office, City Departments, James “Old School” Copes, Oakland Black Vendors Association, and PRAC Commissioners for helping make this pilot happen quickly and supporting multiple, complex interests.

In addition, the Downtown Streets Team, has relaunched its Oakland Team to support unhoused individuals providing them with work beautifying Lake Merritt, including litter pick up around the Lake. In return for their volunteer services, Team Members receive a basic-needs stipend, case management, employment services, and a support network. Team Members are giving back to Oakland while working to overcome barriers to housing and employment. You may see the team beautifying the lake as they relaunch their program this month.

Note: post based on newsletter dated October 3rd, 2020.

City of Oakland Grants For Small Biz, Artists, Nonprofits, Violence Prevention Projects – Nikki Fortunato Bas

City of Oakland

From the Nikki Fortunato Bas Councilmember, City of Oakland, District 2 Community Email comes this compendium of City of Oakland grant programs for business.

$10K Grants for Essential Businesses: California State Compensation Insurance Fund is offering up to $10K to State Fund policyholders to help reimburse the costs of COVID-19 safety expenses such as the purchase of goggles, masks, gloves, cleaning supples, and worksite modifications. Grants are available until September 30.

$10K Grants for Small Businesses: The City of Oakland received $36.9 million in State of California CARES Act funding. More than $4 million of those funds will go to the Oakland CARES Act Small Business Grant Program to support Oakland small businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program anticipates distributing $10,000 grants to 402 Oakland small businesses. Grants may be used to cover day-to-day operating costs, such as worker payroll, rent and fixed debts. The application period for the small business grants opened Tuesday, September 22 at 1 p.m., and ends at 5 p.m. on Monday, October 12, 2020. Online applications in four languages are available at: https://mainstreetlaunch.org/oakland-cares-act-grant/.

$20-25K Grants for Oakland Nonprofits: Of the funds Oakland has received from California’s CARES Act, $850K are going to support nonprofits impacted by COVID-19. The grant program will support about 34 nonprofits with grants of $20-$25K each, for organizations with an annual budget of less than $1 million that are currently providing programs and services that address the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of low-income residents and businesses in the following areas: Health & Human Services; Economic & Workforce Development; Legal Support; Food Security; Homeless and Renter Support Services; and Education. Learn more and apply here by 5pm on Wednesday, October 14.

$3K Grants for Individual Artists, $20K for Arts Nonprofits: $1.425 million of the City’s funds from California’s CARES Act will go to support individual artists and arts nonprofit organizations that have been impacted by COVID-19. The Oakland CARES Arts Organizational Grant will award grants of up to $20,000 to arts nonprofits, while the Oakland CARES Individual Artist Grant seeks to support individual artists with grants of up to $3,000 each. Apply here by 1pm on Friday, October 9, 2020.

$5-10K Mini-Grants for Violence Prevention and Community Healing: The Department of Violence Prevention, in partnership with Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY), Urban Peace Movement (UPM), Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ), Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS), and Roots Community Health Center (Roots) will provide approximately $400K through grants of up to $10K for small nonprofit organizations (with an annual budget of less than $500K) and up to $5K for individuals (with an identified fiscal sponsor). Learn more, attend information sessions and apply here by 11:59pm on October 18th.

Red Flag Warning, Spare the Air, New Oakland COVID-19 Test Site – Councilmember Bas Letter

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Dear Oaklander,

I hope you and your loved ones are hanging in there as we in Oakland contend with wildfires in addition to COVID. Big appreciations to our firefighters, first responders and health professionals during these challenging times.

In this newsletter, you’ll find information on these topics:

New multilingual, multicultural COVID Test Site in Oakland Chinatown
Red Flag Warning until Monday 5pm
Spare the Air Alert through Wednesday
Emergency Preparedness

New COVID Test Site in Oakland Chinatown Supporting Multilingual, Multicultural Care

Last Tuesday, August 18, Oakland Asian Health Services and Alameda County launched a new multilingual, multicultural COVID-19 test site in Chinatown at Madison Park, long a beloved cultural keeping spot for our API neighbors. The free public site features testing and support services in 12 Asian languages including Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog and Mongolian.

Tests are available to everyone. Payment or insurance are not required, and immigration status will not be asked. The test site is open Tuesdays from noon to 7 pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm. People who want to get tested can make an appointment at www.color.com/AHS. For help, people can call the multilingual line at Asian Health Services at (510) 735-3222.

I was so pleased to support the opening of this test site and join the public launch. This test site is a place for total care and is a model for the entire state. By partnering with a community health center and several community organizations, this site offers culturally competent and linguistically accessible COVID testing, along with critical resources and referrals for a range of issues, and education about the Census and voter registration.

Councilmember Bas Gets Tested For COVID-19
Councilmember Bas Gets Tested For COVID-19

I also got tested and got my results the following day, which were negative. Please be vigilant by wearing a mask, practicing physical distancing, washing your hands, and staying home as much as possible. If we all follow the County Health Orders, we can slow the spread, protect our community and eventually re-open our schools and businesses.
Red Flag Warning Until Monday 5pm

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the entire San Francisco / Oakland Bay Area until 5 PM on Monday, August 24. NWS forecasts: “erratic gusty outflow winds can lead to potentially dangerous and unpredictable fire behavior on existing wildfires while additional lightning strikes may result in new wildfire starts.”

In addition to the Oakland Fire Department’s normal operations, firefighters are conducting roving fire patrols in the Oakland Hills. These resources will augment the department’s normal hill company patrols that are out during high fire danger.

Additionally, a State of California Office of Emergency Services engine is pre-positioned in Oakland, and OFD crews will be on stand-by; patrols and staffing may be lengthened or shortened depending on conditions.

OFD Fire Inspectors will also be patrolling Joaquin Miller Park, which is closed on Red Flag Days, to inform the public present at the park of the closure request that they leave the park. The park closure shall be lifted once the Red Flag conditions have subsided and the National Weather Service has lifted the warning for our regional area.

Oakland Fire will continue to collaborate with county partners for mutual aid. Twenty-seven total firefighters are deployed at the CZU lightening complex.

NWS Red Flag Warning
NWS Red Flag Warning

Help Reduce the Chance of Wildfire in Oakland

In accordance with Oakland Municipal Code, Joaquin Miller Park is closed to the public on Red Flag days. Signs will be posted at all park entrances and trails regarding the closure.
Other parks, trails, and recreational facilities may also be closed to visitors due to the high risk of fire.
Barbeques are prohibited in all City parks when there is a Red Flag warning in effect.
The Oakland Fire Department urges extreme caution, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire.

Get Emergency Alerts on Your Phone or Email

Get alerted about emergencies by signing up for AC Alert to receive phone calls and messages on your mobile, home, or work phone; by text message; and by email. AC Alert will provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of emergencies, including fires, severe weather, earthquakes, unexpected road closures, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

AC Alert is a unified emergency notification system for Alameda County residents, businesses and visitors. An AC Alert subscription is free, and all residents and business owners are strongly encouraged to sign up.
What is a Red Flag Warning?

The National Weather Service issues Red Flag Warnings to alert fire departments of the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and dry conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity. Firefighters will raise red flags at fire stations to warn residents of extreme fire weather, as warnings are issued by the National Weather Service.

A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire.

Spare the Air Alert Through Wednesday

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is extending a Spare the Air Alert for wildfire smoke through Wednesday, August 26, which bans burning wood or any other solid fuel, both indoors and outdoors. Wildfire smoke from numerous fires inside and outside of the Bay Area is causing elevated levels of particulate pollution. Elderly persons, children, individuals with respiratory illnesses, and unsheltered persons are particularly susceptible and should take extra precautions to avoid exposure.

Check air quality with the EPA’s Air Quality Index (airnow.gov) and be sure to use the map to find your closest sensor for the most accurate reading. Another resource is Purple Air which offers real-time air quality monitoring.

Stay Safe When It’s Smoky, Oakland!

Stay indoors with windows and doors closed.
Keep indoor air cool or visit an air-cooling center (see these heat resources).
Set home and car ventilation systems on re-circulate to prevent drawing in outside air.
Stay hydrated by drinking water.
Limit or avoid outdoor recreational and sports activities.

Stay Safe From Smoke
Stay Safe From Smoke

Resources for Oakland Unsheltered Homeless Residents

During air quality events, Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless has N95 masks available for outreach providers who can distribute them to unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. Please contact [email protected] or call (510) 891-8950 to pick up masks. County, city, outreach workers and community volunteers may distribute N95 air masks to unsheltered persons at risk, if air quality is projected to be at dangerous levels (red) for a sustained period of time. Masks provide limited, but important protection to people in open air — however, it’s best to stay indoors. My District 2 Office also has some N95 masks available for homeless residents in our neighborhoods; please email me at [email protected] for assistance.

Oaklander Emergency Preparedness

There are many resources to support us in being prepared for emergencies. Here are a few helpful links:

CAL FIRE Ready for Wildfire
Alameda County Public Health
Oakland Fire Safe Council
Oakland Community Preparedness & Response Program

Stay safe!

With Oakland Love,

Nikki Fortunato Bas
Councilmember, City of Oakland, District 2


Oakland Renters And Small Businesses Eviction Moratorium Extension: News From Councilmember Bas

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Dear Oaklander, Heading into our 11th week sheltering in place, I’m inspired by recent wins for our community, such as the extension of my emergency eviction moratorium and a fall ballot initiative to provide Oakland youth with more political power! In this newsletter you’ll find: Updates on Oakland’s eviction moratorium extension Efforts to grant youth … Read more

Nikki Fortunato Bas: Oakland Councilmember Announces Eviction Moratorium

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Oakland – Nikki Fortunato Bas, Oakland District Two Councilmember, says: effective immediately, my emergency ordinance protects renters, small businesses and nonprofits. Thank you to the thousands of Oaklanders who shared comments, joined today’s Oakland City Council meeting, and spread the word. In less than 2 days you helped our message reach more than 20,000 people … Read more

Categories Uncategorized

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Candidate On “Keep Oakland Housed”

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Statement from Nikki Fortunato Bas, Candidate for Oakland City Council District 2, on $9 Million for “Keep Oakland Housed” Homeless Program. While we applaud foundations contributing to housing solutions, our housing crisis is not going to be solved by private charities. Housing is a social issue, and it’s the job of our government to address … Read more