Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember: California Wants Blockchain-Based CBD Record Keeping

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember

In the online publication Cointelegraph, Councilmember Bartlett is extolling the possible virtues of cannabis record keeping based on blockchain. Here’s what he said on Cointelegraph:

Berkeley city council member Ben Bartlett told Cointelegraph that California government officials are currently advocating to adopt a blockchain-based track-and-trace methodology to ensure accurate record-keeping, better retention of taxation and standardization for the cannabis industry.

Bartlett helped to compose a report illustrating a blockchain roadmap for California. He mentioned that the document has been sent to the California governor and legislator for consideration, noting that there is an entire section dedicated to how blockchain technology can be used to manage the cannabis supply chain. Bartlett said:

“This will help standardize the cannabis industry, as we don’t have a clear picture of seed to sale and all the elements involved. Using blockchain would ensure that we are dealing with a product that is safe and recognized by state health standards. This is also a way to professionalize the emerging cannabis market.��

While the report mentions that California policymakers should accept blockchain-based verification and reporting mechanisms for the cannabis supply chain, the document further notes that policymakers should consider “authorizing participants in the cannabis supply chain to use payment mechanisms that implement stringent industry ‘Know Your Customer’ processes but also accommodate U.S. regulatory concerns.”

According to Bartlett, the blockchain roadmap is the first recommendation of its caliber to be sent to the California governor for review. “Even though cannabis has its own allies and issues in the government, it was important to include because we see it as beneficial for the economy as a whole,” he remarked.

Stay tuned.

This post part of The Bartlett Files Project.

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember: California Wants Blockchain-Based CBD Record Keeping
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