Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Says FAA Threatens City’s Skies

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember

Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett put out an “action alert” Monday, so I thought I’d help him get the word out, and try some nifty coding tricks in the process. What follows is the text from Councilmember Ben Bartlett and his right-hand James Chang.

Today, Tuesday, April 20, 2021, Berkeley City Council will be voting on my (Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett) item with Councilmember Kate Harrison and Terry Taplin to opposes the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) decision to have their flights fly directly over Berkeley Neighborhoods. By the FAA’s own admission, well more than twice as many people will be affected by airplane noise and pollution under this new change. The FAA has not appropriately consulted our community and has not conducted an environmental impact study of the change. Dozens of extremely loud, toxic waste emitting, low-altitude planes will be flying in this narrow path directly over our homes, parks, and schools every day and night!

On January 27, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order on climate change, which formalizes environmental justice goals to address the disproportionate health, environmental, economic, and climate impacts on disadvantaged communities. In addition, this order creates a White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council and a White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council to prioritize environmental justice and address historical environmental injustices. The proposed change to the WNDSR Flight Path would directly impact the same environmental justice communities the federal government is trying to protect.

Numerous studies have shown that people living near airports are exposed to higher risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer due to the effects of aircraft noise and toxic pollution. We are already burdened by toxic emissions and high asthma rates from the I-80 Corridor. We can’t take anymore! Tell the City Council to take a stand for Clean Air and Quiet Skies.

This decision was made without consulting our community. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Please take the following action:

Email in comments supporting Item 27: Letter of Opposition to the Federal Aviation Administration’s proposal to [email protected], [email protected], & [email protected]
Click here to send the drafted email! with this text copied and pasted in the body of the email:

Dear Mayor and Berkeley Council,

Please Vote YES in support of ITEM 27: Letter of Opposition to the Federal Aviation Administration’s Proposal. The FAA has not appropriately consulted our community and has not conducted an environmental impact study of the change. Dozens of extremely loud, toxic waste emitting, low-altitude planes will be flying in this narrow path directly over our homes, parks, and schools EVERY DAY AND NIGHT.

Numerous studies have shown that people living near airports are exposed to higher risks of high blood pressure and heart disease due to the effects of aircraft noise and pollution. We REFUSE to accept these life-impacting decisions without consulting our community!

I urge you to vote yes on Item 27 to take this important step in opposing the FAA to keep our skies clean and quiet.

Attend the Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Berkeley City Council Meeting at 7pm!
Zoom link:
To request to speak, use the “raise hand” icon by rolling over the bottom of the screen
Phone: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 (Toll Free) and enter Meeting ID: 846 4074 2374
If you wish to comment during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 and wait to be recognized by the Chair
Attend the Wednesday, April 21, 2021 FAA Forum
Zoom link:
Phone: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 (Toll Free) and enter Meeting ID: 956 2639 0978, iPhone: US: +16699009128,,9566390978#
Email written comments opposing the WNDSR Flight Path Change to [email protected]

Click here to send the drafted email! with this text copied and pasted in the body of the email:

Dear Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management Forum,

Please do NOT CHANGE the current WNDSR Flight Path. The FAA has not appropriately consulted our community and has not conducted an environmental impact study of the change. Dozens of extremely loud, toxic waste emitting, low-altitude planes will be flying in this narrow path directly over our homes, parks, and schools EVERY DAY AND NIGHT.

On January 27, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order on climate change, which formalizes environmental justice goals to address the disproportionate health, environmental, economic, and climate impacts on disadvantaged communities. In addition, this order creates a White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council and a White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council to prioritize environmental justice and address historical environmental injustices. The proposed change to the WNDSR Flight Path would directly impact the same environmental justice communities the federal government is trying to protect. 

Numerous studies have shown that people living near airports are exposed to higher risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer due to the effects of aircraft noise and toxic pollution. We REFUSE to accept these life-impacting decisions without consulting our community!

I urge you to REJECT the proposed change to the WNDSR Flight Path.

Sign the STOP FAA Reroute Petition:
Join the East Bay Clean And Quiet Skies Facebook Group:
Like the East Bay Clean And Quiet Skies Facebook Page:

Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Says FAA Threatens City’s Skies
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