Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Sworn In – Reimagining Public Safety

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember

Berkeley News from The Office of Councilmember Ben Bartlett

The City of Berkeley is updating our COVID-19 Health Order to align with the State of California’s regional stay home order, effective 12:01am Monday, December 7.

Under the New regional Stay at Home Order, California is split into 5 regions, with the Order being triggered if ICU capacity falls below 15% in the region. Five Bay Area Counties are preemptively issuing the new Regional Stay at Home Order, with the Bay Area currently at 25.3% and expected to reach 15% by mid-late December.

The sector closures and restrictions on activity under the State’s Regional Stay Home Order are described here.

District 3 Councilmember Bartlett Says Thank You South Berkeley!

“I was honored to be sworn in on Thursday to serve a second term as Councilmember for South Berkeley, District 3. I feel humbled and blessed by the responsibility that you have entrusted me to serve our Community. We live in times of unprecedented challenge. Yet we have been granted a unique set of opportunities to make our City a more just place for all. We can build on our transformative work in housing, economic inclusion and innovation, public safety, racial justice, environmental stewardship, and pandemic resilience.

Democracy is a 3,000-year-old tradition and is the cornerstone of Freedom. But Democracy is in dramatic decline around the world. As Berkeleyans we have a tradition and feel a special duty—to find the best in us and to model it for the country and the world. The next generation is counting on us to not only preserve Democracy but to expand it to include all people. For this institution to survive into the future, we must embrace Economic Democracy and Environmental Democracy. Four years ago, I pledged to serve our community and protect our freedom.
Let’s do it again. All Doors Open!”

Councilmember Bartlett with Daughter
Councilmember Bartlett with Daughter

Councilmember Bartlett Asks #BerkeleyHolidays – Are You In?

From the City of Berkeley’s Office of Economic Development:

OED, the Berkeley Chamber, Visit Berkeley, and commercial districts citywide have launched the #BerkeleyHolidays campaign to encourage Berkeley residents and visitors to shop locally this holiday season. Free for participating Berkeley businesses, it includes:

A digital BerkeleyHolidays Gift Guide,
Visit Berkeley’s calendar of holiday events, and
The Berkeley Chamber’s social media contest for incredible prizes from more than two dozen stores, including Fill Good, Uchi House, Keter Salon, 4th St Fine Art, Donkey & Goat Winery, Five Little Monkeys, Fern’s Garden, Bombay Jewelry Co., Games of Berkeley, Metro Lighting, Cult Crackers, and others.

Update: Reimagining Public Safety

Since the last City Council meeting, there have been many updates regarding the process of reimagining the response to Public Safety in Berkeley. The group currently leading this large undertaking is lead by the City Manager, Deputy City Managers, City Attorney, Fire Chief Health, Housing and Community Services (HHCS) Director, Human Resources Director, Police Chief and Public Works Director.

So far, planning has progressed sufficiently in obtaining the goal, which is to have better systems in place that respond to public safety issues.

For more information, click here.

Reimagining Public Safety
Reimagining Public Safety

Berkeley Small Businesses: Apply for the Resiliency Loan Fund

Starting next week, the City of Berkeley will accept applications for its new COVID-19 Resiliency Loan Program (RLP) to help existing Berkeley small businesses, non-profits, and cooperatives to sustain their operations in Berkeley. Funded by the CARES Act, and further capitalizing the City’s existing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) program, RLP Fixed Interest Rate Loans may be used to cover business operating expenses like payroll, rent, and utilities. Learn more about the loan terms and apply by 5 pm on December 18, 2020.

All Doors Open
All Doors Open
Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Sworn In – Reimagining Public Safety
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