Brookdale San Pablo And Porto Apartments Must Stop Elderly Evictions

Brookdale San Pablo 1 Entrance (Photo courtesy Brookdale)

Brookdale San Pablo and Martin Gonzalez, owner of The Porto Apartments, must stop the planned elderly evictions. Here’s the story from the San Pablo Tenants Union:

Two days before Thanksgiving, nearly 100 elderly and disabled residents in Brookdale Assisted Living in San Pablo received notice they had 60 days to leave.

But get this, just two blocks away, another 14-unit building of families are also being evicted.

This is unconscionable. As we see double digit increases of families being pushed into homelessness by rent gouging and unfair evictions, and as the wet and cold winter months settle in, it is unfathomable to allow these hundreds of families to be displaced.

As a community we CAN and MUST stop this. Stand with the San Pablo Tenants by urging the landlords of both buildings to stop the evictions now!!

The first building, Brookdale San Pablo, is a 92-unit assisted living center for the elderly and disabled. Brookdale, a national corporation that operates 800 senior living facilities in 45 states, decided that they would no longer operate the building and notified the owners they would not be renewing the lease. The owners, an elderly couple that recently inherited the property don’t have the capacity to operate the facility by themselves, and without housing service provider staffing the building, decided to sell. The result? Seniors are being pushed onto the streets at the beginning of winter.

This is a life of death situation.

Click here to Stand with San Pablo Tenants by urging the Brookdale Corporation to continue operating the building and the owners to stop the sale until a new housing provider is found!!

The second building, Porto Apartments, consists of 14 units of families – many of them also seniors. The building is owned by Martin Gonzalez, the owner of a local restaurant called La Strada located right next to the buildings. On November 22nd, residents of the building all received an illegal 60 day eviction notice at no fault of their own. Some of the residents have lived in the building for over 10 years and will become effectively homeless if the eviction goes through.

On the eve of the winter holidays, we must keep the San Pablo Tenants in their homes! Take 2 minutes to support them by also urging Porto Apartments owner Martin Gonzalez to stop the evictions!

We can and must do better.

In solidarity,


ACCE Action

Stay tuned.

Brookdale San Pablo And Porto Apartments Must Stop Elderly Evictions
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