
Oakland’s Father Jay Matthews Died: First Black Priest In Northern California

Oakland’s Father Jay Matthews Died: First Black Priest In Northern California ONN – Oakland’s Father Jay Matthews Died: First Black Priest In Northern California Father Jay Matthews was best summed up in this Facebook entry by Jayson Landeza: I am deeply saddened and shocked by the sudden death of Father Jay Matthews, my predecessor here […]

California Governor Newsom Blasts PG&E Directors Plan: Karen M. Lockhart Statement

The PG&E Board Of Directors: who should sit on it? After California Governor Newsom blasted the proposed plan, Karen M. Lockhart, the representative for those who’ve sued PG&E, wrote the following statement that was sent to Zennie62Media San Francisco – The Official Committee of Tort Claimants in the Chapter 11 cases of PG&E Corporation and […]

The Hypocrisy And Irony Of Climate Change Lawsuits

This month a group of U.S. Senators filed a legal brief seeking to re-instate a lawsuit by California cities, including Oakland and San Francisco (Oakland, SF Appeal for Reinstatement of Climate Change Lawsuits Against 5 Oil Companies), to hold major oil companies accountable for climate change. The senators want the courts to hear a lawsuit […]

NFL Not Considering Las Vegas Super Bowl Yet, Price Gouging Concerns

NFL Not Considering Las Vegas Super Bowl Yet, Price Gouging Concerns ONN – Will Las Vegas host the 2025 Super Bowl, or even get a Las Vegas Super Bowl? The next Super Bowls from 54 through 58 are all spoken for by Miami, Tampa, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and New Orleans. But where is Las Vegas, […]

Jon Gruden Oakland Raiders Head Coach At 2019 NFL Owners Meeting

Jon Gruden Oakland Raiders Head Coach At 2019 NFL Owners Meeting ONN – Jon Gruden Oakland Raiders Head Coach At 2019 NFL Owners Meeting Coach Gruden did his least favorite thing to do this morning: meet with the NFL Media. The man who came in with great fanfare and giant $100 million guaranteed contract, said […]

NFL Approves Oakland Raiders Coliseum Lease Extension For 2019-2020

NFL Approves Oakland Raiders Coliseum Lease Extension For 2019-2020 ONN – NFL Approves Oakland Raiders Coliseum Lease Extension For 2019-2020 Oakland News Now Note: this post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest version of an experimental Zennie62Media mobile media video-blogging system network – part of a new approach to the production of […]

George Carlin And The Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal

Oakland needs George Carlin to talk about the Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal, about now. With all of the made-up media-based hysteria over the planned multi-commodity development called the Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal, we need the late comedian George Carlin to put everything in the right perspective. The latest effort to gin up fear […]

City Of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders, NFL Lawsuit: Who’s Who As League Issues Loser Argument

The Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Relocation allowed by the National Football League two years ago spawned the anti-trust lawsuit of the City Of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders and the NFL that was continued Friday, after getting started March 1st. Contrary to mainstream media reports, the Oakland Raiders filed a motion to dismiss the case on […]

City of Oakland Epicenter For Earthquake Alert Test March 27, 2019

Sacramento, CA – California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with the City of Oakland and Alameda County, will conduct a test for distributing earthquake alerts through the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system on March 27, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. in Downtown Oakland. Through this […]

Jesse Jackson In San Francisco And Oakland To Call To Stop Violence Against Muslims

Rev. Jackson will appear at Third Baptist Church in San Francisco and in Oakland at Skyline High School today, Friday. San Francisco—The Rev. Jesse Jackson will address what is expected to be a standing room only gathering of religious faith leaders at 1 p.m. today, Friday, March 22, at Third Baptist Church, 1399 McAllister St., […]

To YIMBY Action’s Laura Foote Clark: SB50 Needs TIF For Affordable Housing

To YIMBY Action’s Laura Foote: SB 50 Needs TIF For Affordable Housing This blog post started as a Twitter exchange between myself and YIMBY Action, the advocacy group in favor of increasing housing density in San Francisco. Since it’s hard to really understand what someone is getting at in a complex policy discussion via social […]

Tetra Tech EC, Hunter’s Point, Environment, Economic Development, And The Truth In SF

Tetra Tech EC, Hunter’s Point, Environment, Economic Development, And The Truth In SF There has been a problem in the San Francisco Bay Area such that environmental activists have only worked to slow the development of military base redevelopment projects, and not help provide jobs for those left behind. That’s the case with the Hunter’s […]

Tetra Tech EC Is Winning Credibility Battle At Hunters Point Shipyard

Plaintiffs’ attorneys and anti-housing activists have been beating the drum for several years in San Francisco claiming that the Hunters Point Shipyard clean-up by Tetra Tech EC was botched and fraudulent. But as the facts emerge, the tables are turning. Statements by Tetra Tech EC are proving to be factually correct, but the allegations by […]

Oakland Marathon And Running Festival Street Closures Planned

The Oakland Marathon and Oakland Running Festival are this weekend and the City of Oakland emailed this release to Zennie62Media. Oakland, CA – The City of Oakland today announced the temporary street closures and parking restrictions in effect for the Oakland Running Festival which takes place on Sunday, March 24, 2019. The 26.2-mile marathon starts […]

Oakland Panthers, Freedom Football League: Interview With J.J. Lasley, CEO

Oakland Panthers, Freedom Football League: Interview With J.J. Lasley, CEO Oakland Panthers, Freedom Football League: Interview With J.J. Lasley, CEO Mr. J.J. Lasley talked with Zennie62Media, and was joined by his Chief Operating Officer, Carlos Meeks, and his Director of Social and Digital Media Christianne Harder. The interview at Zennie62 on YouTube focused on how […]

Special Oakland City Council Meeting Called For Thursday, March 21

Oakland, CA – A special Oakland City Council Meeting for Thursday, March 21st beginning at 10:30AM has been called. Council President Kaplan has moved the agenda from the cancelled March 12th Council meeting to Thursday morning. (Link to Agenda) President Kaplan also has five items on the agenda. Agenda Item 7.8 asks the Council to […]

Twitter Reacts To Google Stadia Gaming Network At GDC 2019 #Stadia

Google Stadia makes older gaming platforms, well, just that. But if you think that’s all Google Stadia’s about, you’re missing the point, like some did on Twitter during the 2019 Game Developers Conference. At the 2006 Game Developers Conference, I entered a contest at a party I wandered into in the W Hotel, and won […]

Oakland Churches Open Parking Lots For Homeless Residents

Oakland, CA – Monday morning, March 18th, at Williams Chapel Baptist Church the interfaith effort to create safe spaces for our homeless, unsheltered residents to park and feel safe overnight was launched. This action is one of the steps outlined in legislation authored by Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan. (Link to Legislation) Said President […]

Oculeus Wins Cybersecurity Excellence Award Again For 2019

Frankfurt, Germany – Oculeus, a leading provider of innovative telecommunications solutions, today announced that the company has won the Cybersecurity Excellence Award in the category for Communications Fraud Protection for the second year in a row. Oculeus won this award for the company’s recently launched Oculeus®-Protect service for protecting enterprises against PBX hacking and toll […]

Warriors Boogie Cousins Awaits MRI, Draymond Green Smokes Em At Dominoes

Oakland, CA – Boogie Cousins of the Golden State Warriors can certainly play basketball, but if this Instagram post by teammate Draymond Green is any indication, his dominoes game is whack! While waiting to get an MRI, Boogie Cousins (we have to use his full name here), DeMarcus Amir Cousins, let Draymond Green beat him […]

Las Vegas Stadium Delayed Says Local Vlogger Jedi Rich Lightowler

Las Vegas Stadium gets Jedi Rich Lightowler vlog – how did the local vlogger ever get pass security? The Las Vegas Stadium, the 65,000-seat domed event complex and future home of the Oakland Raiders (who would be The Las Vegas Raiders) is behind schedule due to the recent stretch of days of rain and snow […]

Grand Lake Oakland Neighborhood Group To Hold Meeting On Seniors And Fraud

On Wednesday of this week, Oakland Grand Lake Neighbors will host a session on fraud against seniors and how to spot it. Here’s why. Fraud and scams against Seniors is a major problem, not just in Oakland, but around America. According to The Lincoln Times, cams can come in a variety of forms including tech […]

Larry Reid Blasts Oakland Raiders After Coliseum JPA Lease Vote

Larry Reid Blasts Oakland Raiders After Coliseum JPA Lease Vote ONN – Larry Reid, the Oakland District 7 Councilmember and Oakland-Alameda Council Coliseum Joint Powers Authority Member, didn’t waste time blasting the Oakland Raiders after the Coliseum JPA Raiders Lease vote, and for the Las Vegas Stadium Relocation and the way it was done by […]

Oakland Coliseum JPA Passes Raiders Lease Extension

The Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Joint Powers Authority voted (with Oakland District Seven Councilmember Larry Reid abstaining) to pass the Oakland Raiders Lease Extension for 2019-2020. The Raiders now have one of the highest rents in the NFL: $6,975,000 for 2019 and increasing by $3 million to $9,975,000 in 2020, which is the option year. One […]

City Of Oakland OakDOT Upgrades 200 School Crosswalks

The City Of Oakland and “OakDOT”, The Oakland Department of Transportation, emailed the following release to Zennie62Media. Oakland, CA – The Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) is improving pedestrian safety around schools across the City, by updating about 200 crosswalks to a safer “high-visibility” style that is more visible to drivers and will make Oakland […]

BUILD: Oakland Is Today’s Junior Achievement Program

BUILD: Oakland is an organization this blogger was totally not familiar with until today and a post on Instagram. The post, which you will see below, featured a photo mostly of young folks, and primarily Asian (didn’t see anyone African American), working intently on what looked like some kind of graphics project. Then, I saw […]

Louis Raphael: French Immigrant Finally Americanized In Oakland

Louis Raphael makes today’s news from Instagram on Oakland News Now after posting a photo of himself celebrating becoming an official American Citizen at the Paramount Theater, yesterday. Mr. Raphael, who lives in San Francisco and looks a little like French President Marcon, wrote that he had lived in America legally as a French citizen […]

Oakland Coal Talk Masks Truth On Phil Tagami’s Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal

Oakland Coal Talk Masks Truth On Phil Tagami’s Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal

World Wide Web Creator Tim Berners-Lee Should Have Called Out Racism Directly

Sir Tim Berners-Lee took to a tiny part of his idea, the World Wide Web, to ask “30 years on, what’s next #ForTheWeb?” Then, in writing his post, Sir Tim gave us an analysis, rather than a forecast: Against the backdrop of news stories about how the web is misused, it’s understandable that many people […]

OUSD, Oakland Athletic League Have Girls State Champion Basketball Teams

Oakland, CA – On Friday and Saturday of last week, two different Oakland high schools took home top honors at the CIF State Championship tournament. The Oakland High School Girls team won the Division 3 Championship on Friday afternoon. Less than 24 hours later, Oakland Technical High School’s Girls team won the Division 4 State […]

Rebecca Kaplan Cancels Oakland City Council Meeting, Condolences To Councilmember McElhaney

Oakland, CA – OAKLAND, CA – Yesterday we learned Councilmember McElhaney’s son Victor McElhaney was fatally shot in Southern California. Victor was a Senior at USC Thornton School of Music and was not far from campus when the tragedy occurred. Said President Kaplan: “I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence. My prayers […]

Victor McElhaney Son Of Oakland District Three Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Killed

Victor McElhaney Son Of Oakland District Three Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Killed ONN – Victor McElhaney Son Of Oakland District Three Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Killed Oakland News Now Note: this post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest version of an experimental Zennie62Media mobile media video-blogging system network – part of a […]

Iron Ore, Coal Export Fueled By China; Can Oakland Benefit?

The discussion of energy in Oakland has become more policized than it should be. For example, the planned Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal is a multi-modal facility designed to serve the Pacific Rim’s demand, particularly India and China. But, because of the rightful concern about climate change, combined with a lack of understanding of what […]

Oakland Coliseum JPA, Raiders Lease Talks Done, NFL News On Monday

Oakland Coliseum JPA, Raiders Lease Talks Done, NFL News On Monday ONN – Oakland Coliseum JPA, Raiders Lease Talks Done, NFL News On Monday Oakland Raiders Coliseum Lease Extension Update: Coliseum JPA Exec Dir Scott McKibben told me “Terms sheets have been exchanged and lawyers are doing final reviews. We should know late Monday if […]

City Of Oakland To Do Homeless Encampment Cleanup Today

The City of Oakland has had a quiet program of homeless encampment cleanup underway this year. According to what’s written at the City of Oakland’s website, this is what is under way, today: Lakeside Park: Perkins to Harrison along Bellevue Enforcement of Closure Zone PILE REMOVAL: 1. Wood St. between 24th & 26th St.Pile Removal […]

Blue Shield Of California Gives $2 Million To Restore Health Services, Support CA Fire Victims

Oakland, CA – Blue Shield of California announced its giving $2 million to restore health services and support CA fire victims. Blue Shield of California, soon to be Oakland’s newest corporate headquarters, has contributed $2 million to help fire victims in northern California. Most of the money will be used to restore health services in […]

Blue Shield Of California Provides $2 Million For Health Care For Wildfire Victims

Blue Shield Of California helps doctors resume care for patients; rebuild destroyed clinic PARADISE, Ca – When California’s deadliest fire raged across the tinder dry hills of Butte County last fall, doctors and staff at the Paradise Medical Group were among the last to leave their town. One pediatrician sent his family to safety while […]

Oakland Raiders News Update Livestream: Coliseum JPA, Las Vegas Stadium, NFL

Oakland Raiders News Update Livestream: Coliseum JPA, Las Vegas Stadium, NFL ONN – Oakland Raiders News Update Livestream: Coliseum JPA, Las Vegas Stadium, NFL Zennie Abraham’s nightly livestream recap and commentary of news in the sports World, focusing on the Oakland Raiders, and all-things Raider Nation cares about, including the progress of and problems with […]

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