KSDK News St. Louis

How 2 St. Louis businesses are overcoming labor shortage issues | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEXvDKgF3UA Oakland News Now – How 2 St. Louis businesses are overcoming labor shortage issues – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. He was expensive, but he doesn’t get sick and he shows […]

Broadway returns to the Fox Theater with ‘Pretty Woman: The Musical’ | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7PCrgLm7kA Oakland News Now – Broadway returns to the Fox Theater with 'Pretty Woman: The Musical' – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The Fabulous Fox Theater is back open for the first […]

St. Louis patients getting disinformation about ‘detoxing’ COVID vaccines | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCc3TFU4M-E Oakland News Now – St. Louis patients getting disinformation about 'detoxing' COVID vaccines – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. When internal medicine doctor Farzana Hoque met with a patient Tuesday morning, […]

Local district reverts to remote learning after more than 40 students, staff test COVID positive | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IBb1cbCvJE Oakland News Now – Local district reverts to remote learning after more than 40 students, staff test COVID positive – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. School is in session at Central […]

Kay’s Moment of the Day for Nov. 16 | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUnOu7z65M Oakland News Now – Kay's Moment of the Day for Nov. 16 – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Kay’s Moment of the Day for Nov. 16. via IFTTT Note from Zennie62Media […]

St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force holds briefing | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjgDJ18Upqg Oakland News Now – St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force holds briefing – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force will hold a briefing Tuesday as […]

1964: Civil rights activist Percy Green scales the Gateway Arch | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gZqi_goyvw Oakland News Now – 1964: Civil rights activist Percy Green scales the Gateway Arch – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. On July 14, 1964, as the Gateway Arch was under construction, […]

1950: President Harry S. Truman makes speech at Kiel Auditorium | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uFjbpTuBek Oakland News Now – 1950: President Harry S. Truman makes speech at Kiel Auditorium – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. President Truman visited St. Louis and made a speech at Kiel […]

1993: Andy Williams on ‘Face to Face with Karen Foss’ | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1RuqcTHwyM Oakland News Now – 1993: Andy Williams on 'Face to Face with Karen Foss' – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. ‘Face to Face with Karen Foss’ was a periodic 60-minute special […]

2005: First local high definition broadcast in St. Louis | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_H42Ipg9Bk Oakland News Now – 2005: First local high definition broadcast in St. Louis – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The 2005 Thanksgiving Day Parade held in downtown St. Louis was not […]

1998: Window on St. Louis opens | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hme9jcavLw Oakland News Now – 1998: Window on St. Louis opens – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. KSDK’s “Window on St. Louis” opened Wednesday, April 29, 1998. This is video from “Today […]

Drone video: Stunning sunrise over Mississippi River in Portage Des Sioux | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvr5JG7DUWg Oakland News Now – Drone video: Stunning sunrise over Mississippi River in Portage Des Sioux – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The Mississippi River was a rainbow of colors as the […]

1970s: Newsbeat | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6lSODVVSgE Oakland News Now – 1970s: Newsbeat – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Newsbeat, a light-hearted magazine series hosted by Dick Ford and John Auble, began airing on KSD weeknights at 6:30 […]

Live video: Fighting car break-ins | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6IqAsXMFEk Oakland News Now – Live video: Fighting car break-ins – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. St. Louis area police departments are coming together to fight a surge in car break-ins, thefts […]

Traffic changes at I-270 in north St. Louis County | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VffBMiXT6kM Oakland News Now – Traffic changes at I-270 in north St. Louis County – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The changes affect drivers along I-270 and Dunn Road near New Halls […]

When will the supply chain issues end? | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqVhCf8QK50 Oakland News Now – When will the supply chain issues end? – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The bottlenecks in the global supply chain are helping drive up inflation. Currently, we’re […]

This is what kind of weather to expect in St. Louis this winter | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBBkpbKZi-U Oakland News Now – This is what kind of weather to expect in St. Louis this winter – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The unusually warm weather from September into October […]

Labor shortages in childcare create more workforce challenges | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmCaFZnqog8 Oakland News Now – Labor shortages in childcare create more workforce challenges – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Many basic needs are not being met because of labor shortages. The childcare […]

People concerned with car break-ins in downtown St. Louis parking garage | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj90oA3PMlI Oakland News Now – People concerned with car break-ins in downtown St. Louis parking garage – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. You could say Leon King’s day started off on the […]

Memorial grows for 3 highschoolers killed in Sunday crash in St. Louis County | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56ICeAsWKo4 Oakland News Now – Memorial grows for 3 highschoolers killed in Sunday crash in St. Louis County – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Just a few feet from the roadway, three […]

Infrastructure bill could accelerate Metrolink expansion between St. Louis City and County | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Di-zato1E Oakland News Now – Infrastructure bill could accelerate Metrolink expansion between St. Louis City and County – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Monday afternoon, President Joe Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure […]

Neighbors call for safer conditions on Kiefer Creek Road after deadly crash | St. Louis News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6sBTe5iUSI Oakland News Now – Neighbors call for safer conditions on Kiefer Creek Road after deadly crash – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Early Sunday morning, a fiery single-car crash in west […]

Why new car batteries cost so much

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvcngLtXOnE Oakland News Now – Why new car batteries cost so much – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Consumer Reports investigates reasons for the price hike and suggests some ways to save. […]

Record number of workers quit hospitality jobs, experts cite mental health as common reason

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5fpE1Ax1pA Oakland News Now – Record number of workers quit hospitality jobs, experts cite mental health as common reason – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. A survey shows people in this industry […]

Kurt and Brenda Warner talk about their love for St. Louis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dEOazfxcpw Oakland News Now – Kurt and Brenda Warner talk about their love for St. Louis – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Kurt and Brenda Warner were in St. Louis at the […]

WATCH LIVE: St. Louis County executive gives update on COVID-19

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8A05rzT2ZA Oakland News Now – WATCH LIVE: St. Louis County executive gives update on COVID-19 – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. St. Louis County Executive Sam Page is holding a briefing to […]

Sammy’s Stars: Nov. 15, 2021

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNSGZsQ8zdc Oakland News Now – Sammy's Stars: Nov. 15, 2021 – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Sammy’s Stars: Nov. 15, 2021. via IFTTT Note from Zennie62Media and OaklandNewsNow.com : this video-blog post […]

Labor shortage: where did all the workers go?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmY55P2UCA4 Oakland News Now – Labor shortage: where did all the workers go? – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. A record 4.3 million people quit their jobs in August. A local human […]

Deadline to claim child tax credit application approaches

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfLgI_8V-zE Oakland News Now – Deadline to claim child tax credit application approaches – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Most families didn’t have to register. However, eligible low-income families who weren’t required […]

MoDOT, IDOT and St. Louis County facing worker shortages as winter approaches

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxnHNjfuM5U Oakland News Now – MoDOT, IDOT and St. Louis County facing worker shortages as winter approaches – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. The transportation industry is dealing with labor shortages. IDOT, […]

New Alton food pantry is giving away 100 Thanksgiving boxes this week

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E49IcFanP6w Oakland News Now – New Alton food pantry is giving away 100 Thanksgiving boxes this week – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Volunteers at a […]

Blind athlete’s guide runner wins Musial Award

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpJqK0-mRzk Oakland News Now – Blind athlete's guide runner wins Musial Award – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Sometimes, the winners of a race can’t be timed with a stopwatch. That was […]

Despite labor shortages, people say it’s still hard to find a job

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0nxXuq3yAU Oakland News Now – Despite labor shortages, people say it's still hard to find a job – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. New info from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found […]

Fiery crash in St. Louis County kills 3, injures 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptOmTDf78MY Oakland News Now – Fiery crash in St. Louis County kills 3, injures 2 – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. A fiery single-car accident in west St. Louis County claimed the […]

Missouri conservation officials monitor deer hunting harvest for chronic wasting disease

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D35WiDXFsI Oakland News Now – Missouri conservation officials monitor deer hunting harvest for chronic wasting disease – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. This was the first weekend of firearms deer hunting season […]

Driver loses control of car, rescued from River Des Peres without injury

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60NNc-fFs7A Oakland News Now – Driver loses control of car, rescued from River Des Peres without injury – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Bystanders helped the woman out of the embankment. via […]

Surprising ways animals at the St. Louis Zoo stay warm in winter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEOpFp1XoY4 Oakland News Now – Surprising ways animals at the St. Louis Zoo stay warm in winter – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Here’s how takins, pinnipeds, and penguins handle winter naturally. […]

Winter tornadoes St. Louis experienced in the past

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hydwsCFgDg Oakland News Now – Winter tornadoes St. Louis experienced in the past – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Some of the worst tornadoes in the area have happened in the colder […]

Illinois Department of Transportation prepares for winter 2021-2022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTAD_W2o4yM Oakland News Now – Illinois Department of Transportation prepares for winter 2021-2022 – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Barns are loaded with salt and plows are on the trucks, but IDOT […]

Prepping your home for winter weather

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmsKUEEEKYg Oakland News Now – Prepping your home for winter weather – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. Vogel Heating and Cooling offers tips on how to heat your home safely this winter. […]

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