
San Diego Comic Con 2019 Marks Zennie62Media’s 9th Year

San Diego Comic Con 2019 Marks Zennie62Media’s 9th Year ONN – San Diego Comic Con 2019 Marks Zennie62Media’s 9th Year San Diego Comic Con 2009 was Zennie62Media’s first year and it featured a limo ride with the stars of the movie Hatchet II. That included Kane Hodder, who played Jason of Friday The 13th four […]

Oakland Lake Merritt Hosts US Rowing National Championships Now: August 16 – 19 2018

Lake Merritt and the City of Oakland and USRowing are hosting the 2018 US Rowing Masters National Championships at Lake Merritt which started Thursday August 16 and go to August 19, 2018 (racing daily from 8 am to 6 pm). Sunny and warm in Oakland today, and Lake Merritt is a bustling pile of rowers and boats […]

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