CES 2022 Las Vegas: A Look At The Omicron Problem And The Role CES Must Play

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“CES 2022 Las Vegas is upon us”, as the late, legendary Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area sportscaster Bill King might say. In a normal situation, in other words, without the COVID-19 Omicron variant problem, this blogger would already be in Las Vegas and have vlogged his tail off awaiting CES Unveiled, which happens on Tuesday. But the reality is that a trip here, or any place that crowds people together, is suddenly a russian-roulette affair that could, ultimately, kill you, or me, or someone else, like a loved one. That wasn’t the case last year.

Last year, the first in a full-pandemic state, CES 2021 was made to be all-virtual, so we didn’t have to worry about being stuck in “Go or No Go” land. But the pressures placed on our bricks and mortar culture, which is represented by the simple fact that Las Vegas puts on a good show that happens to make money for a lot of people, pushed all efforts toward what is called an “In person CES 2022.”

Plus, let’s face it, we all believed the Pandemic was coming to an end. But then came the COVID-19 “variants”, pointing to a question: who’s responsible for all of this? After 284 million cases and 5.4 million deaths worldwide, it’s past time for an answer.

CES 2022 Las Vegas Should Have A COVID-19 Division Considering It’s True Origin Story And The Role Of EcoHeath Alliance In It

The fact that COVID-19 has these damn variants running around the World,and disrupting our beloved CES 2022, had made life more than just tough: at times it’s scary and depressing. The virus that reportedly came as a result of lab experiments re-commissioned by our U.S. Government under the Trump Administration in 2017 after being stopped during the Obama Administration in 2014, and carried out by an American firm called EcoHealth Alliance (website) that focuses on trying to head off the spread of infectious diseases, has morphed into a worldwide pandemic seemingly without end.

As to why the funding for “lab experiments” AKA bat coronavirus research funding was stopped in 2014, the Scientific American reports that:

The moratorium was imposed a few months after two mishaps at government labs, one handling anthrax and one handling avian flu, which together suggested that biosafety and biosecurity at even the most respected labs fell well short of what is needed to protect the public.


The entry above begs the question why it took a change in administration from Obama to Trump before the action of restarting the bat coronavirus research funding was done.

As much as it reads like an Oscar-winning science fiction movie, the COVID-19 Pandemic is not only real, but given its base in advanced technology, should be the focus of a new product division at CES Las Vegas. How we got here is now blamed on by two men: EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak and Lawrence Tabak, deputy of ethics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH / National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)), as well as the NIH / NIAID itself.

CES 2022 Las Vegas Attendees Should Remember The Names Peter Daszak and Lawrence Tabak

Who’s Peter Daszak? Mr. Peter Daszak is President of EcoHealth Alliance and a British Zoologist. The publication Science Wire outlines the following claims against him and his New York Headquartered EcoHealth Alliance firm:

  1. Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic began, Peter Daszak led the charge in dismissing allegations that its viral cause could have come from a lab.
  2. Lawrence Tabak played a large role in advancing Peter Daszak’s attempt to have us look away from the lab leak claim.
  3. The Paris Group of scientists holds that the virus came to the world via a lab leak out of Wuhan, China (must read document here).

CES 2022 Attendees Should Know NIH Admits Role In Paying EcoHealth Alliance Which Then Hired The Wuhan Lab To Do The Research Said To Have Caused COVID-19

The NIH itself also admits that EcoHealth Alliance hired and paid the Wuhan lab to do the research work that caused COVID-19. In a post called “SARS-CoV-2 and NIAID-supported Bat Coronavirus Research”, the NIH writes a paragraph that tells us CES 2022 attendees all we need to know about who did it:

The research that NIH approved under the grant to EcoHealth Alliance with a subaward to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China sought to understand how animal coronaviruses, especially bat coronaviruses, evolve naturally in the environment and have the potential to become transmissible to the human population. This research included studying viral diversity in bat reservoirs, surveying people who work in live animal markets or other occupations with high exposure to wildlife for evidence of bat coronavirus infection and analyzing data to predict which newly discovered viruses pose the greatest threat to human health.


In other words, the National Institutes of Health AKA National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), based in Bethesda, MD and where Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., is the NIAID Director and the same advisor to both President Obama and President Trump, and six presidents in total since 1984, was the firm that ignited a process that some say caused the spread of COVID-19 around the World. Moreover, the NIAID post does not deny its role and only tries to say that its work was not genetically related to COVID-19. But it is a good idea to read the abstract of the grant called “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” and which funded EchoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Labs research that NIAID terminated last year. It reads, in part, as follows:

Project Summary: Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence Novel zoonotic, bat-origin CoVs are a significant threat to global health and food security, as the cause of SARS in China in 2002, the ongoing outbreak of MERS, and of a newly emerged Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome in China. In a previous R01 we found that bats in southern China harbor an extraordinary diversity of SARSr-CoVs, some of which can use human ACE2 to enter cells, infect humanized mouse models causing SARS-like illness, and evade available therapies or vaccines. We found that people living close to bat habitats are the primary risk groups for spillover, that at one site diverse SARSr-CoVs exist that contain every genetic element of the SARS-CoV genome, and identified serological evidence of human exposure among people living nearby. These findings have led to 18 published peer-reviewed papers, including two papers in Nature, and a review in Cell. Yet salient questions remain on the origin, diversity, capacity to cause illness, and risk of spillover of these viruses. In this R01 renewal we will address these issues through 3 specific aims: Aim 1. Characterize the diversity and distribution of high spillover-risk SARSr-CoVs in bats in southern China. We will use phylogeographic and viral discovery curve analyses to target additional bat sample collection and molecular CoV screening to fill in gaps in our previous sampling and fully characterize natural SARSr-CoV diversity in southern China. We will sequence receptor binding domains (spike proteins) to identify viruses with the highest potential for spillover which we will include in our experimental investigations (Aim 3). Aim 2. Community, and clinic-based syndromic, surveillance to capture SARSr-CoV spillover, routes of exposure and potential public health consequences. We will conduct biological-behavioral surveillance in high-risk populations, with known bat contact, in community and clinical settings to 1) identify risk factors for serological and PCR evidence of bat SARSr-CoVs; & 2) assess possible health effects of SARSr-CoVs infection in people.


In other words, the research puts EchoHealth, Peter Daszak and Wuhan Labs right at the center of a possible experiment to basically complete the research by actually infecting someone with COVID-19. A careful read of the text points to that possibility. That chance is supported by China’s unwillingness to cooperate with investigations as well as Peter Daszak‘s role. Also, why is Dr. Fauci not the focus of more scrutiny here? It seems more than a chance that he’s at the top of telling the President Of The United States what to think here, and yet is over the same organization that paid for the dangerous research that was under way. CES Las Vegas has a great chance to lead the world’s recovery by shining a light on this, and pushing tech toward a combination of products to help us both defeat and live with COVID-19.

CES Las Vegas 2022 Has Been Damaged By The COVID-19 Horror

CES Las Vegas 2022 and Las Vegas have been massively damaged by this truth that hangs out there yet is not widely talked about. Consider that the normal course of over 4,000 exhibitors has been cut in half and that’s not based on real-time reports. Firms that were once confirmed, even as others cancelled, later bowed out themselves. Even ZENNIE62MEDIA is delayed (though this vlogger still may go for a short period). And the tweets on CES 2022 mostly point to the process of attendees changing plans. For example:


And the tweets go on. And the number of CES 2022 things paired down includes the keynote speakers list and the now non-existent press release on celebrities set to attend CES, which means none are.

This is beyond sad. The best way for CES to recover for 2023 and beyond is to set up a division focused on COVID-19 and a Pandemic Future. There is a lot we are not told, beyond what we don’t know. For example, while there are four current COVID-19 variants, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and now Omicron, the firm called Pango Network has identified and named hundreds of what are called “COV LINEAGES” in various parts of the world.

To me, it feels like we’re under attack by something we created. CES Las Vegas to the rescue! Let’s determine a new path for 2023: a COVID-19 Division.

Stay tuned.

CES 2022 Las Vegas: A Look At The Omicron Problem And The Role CES Must Play
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