CES Las Vegas 2019: Xmera The Bionic Bicycle


Las Vegas (press release) – Introducing Xmera, The Bionic Bicycle.

The Romanians from Pegas in collaboration with an experienced Romanian and US innovation team who has several projects funded on crowdfounding networks in the US, are launching a new project at the CES Las Vegas 2019 Technology Fair called Xmera – The Bionic Bicycle. (Zennie62Media coverage of CES 2019 Las Vegas sponsored by LydaMusic. Listen to her new album Divine Distraction, here at this link.)

CES Las Vegas 2019- Xmera The Bionic Bicycle P2
CES Las Vegas 2019- Xmera The Bionic Bicycle P2

Xmera – The Bionic Bicycle is a hybrid assisted by biometric sensors, which uses a technology that modulates the power of the bicycle’s electric motor to achieve a constant BPM rate, thus enabling the user to experience a cardio training similar to those used in the gym.

Xmera – The Bionic Bicycle is assisted by an application that can retrieve biometric data both from the sensor located on the handlebars and from a bracelet or smartwatch.

Furthermore, the Xmera – The Bionic Bicycle project involves the integration of an additional sensor that records the variation of brain waves with the help of a bicycle helmet and can use the information to change the intensity of the electric motor assistance voluntarily without the need for mechanical action.

Xmera – The Bionic Bicycle is in the prototype phase and will try to raise funding from the US and Europe markets in the coming period, particularly via crowdfunding.

More details on www.xmerabikes.com

CES Las Vegas 2019: Xmera The Bionic Bicycle
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