Chevron Ecuador: Chevron Wins In Ecuador Fraud Case In Dutch Supreme Court


Atlanta, GA – It has taken Chevron (and the company, Texaco, whose assets it purchased) nearly three decades to overcome allegations that it polluted the Amazon River in the Lago Agrio region of Ecuador. But what a victory Chevron is enjoying now in the “Chevron Ecuador” story, especially after its Dutch Supreme Court victory. After years of suffering damaging allegations that it had created an “Amazon Chernobyl,” the truth has emerged that Texaco acted properly and cleaned up the areas it worked in Ecuador.

Mia Farrow filming in Ecuador for Donziger
Mia Farrow filming in Ecuador for Donziger

The truth emerged that any pollution in that region was left by PetroEcuador, the Ecuadoran state-owned oil company. The reality was exposed that the entire case was a fraud committed by disgraced American attorney Steven Donziger, in cooperation with Ecuadorian activists Luis Yanza and Pablo Fajardo, AmazonWatch, former Ecuador president Rafael Correa, and a host of aging, washed-up Hollywood / Rock stars who took money from the now disgraced Donziger to speak out against Chevron.

These ‘stars’ included Danny Glover, Mia Farrow, Roger Waters, Sting, Trudie Styler, Bianca Jagger, Daryl Hannah as well as communist/socialist Eva Golinger (who seems to never met a Latin American dictator she couldn’t spew propaganda for). The lawsuit against Chevron was staged, including paid-for actors who pretended to be protestors at annual Chevron shareholder meetings and protests.

Steven Donziger
Steven Donziger filing “CRUDE” movie in Ecuador

Crude Movie Was The Beginning Of The End Of Steven Donziger’s Chevron Ecuador Success

And, of course, the irony is that Donziger, like a Greek tragedy, caused his own downfall. His ego was so big, and at the time his pockets so full of investors’ and Hollywood money, that he secretly hired Hollywood director Joe Berlinger to produce a movie, Crude: The Real Price of Oil. The Fake-u-Mentary was Donziger’s downfall when the film, which was unveiled at Sundance in 2009, turned out to be nothing more than propaganda and, perhaps, the first example of genuine “fake news,” as we now have begun to understand that there isn’t any difference between a Donald Trump statement and Steven Donziger-Joe Berlinger production. Nothing you hear from any of three of them is trustworthy.

Once Chevron got its hands on the outtakes from the Steven Donziger – Joe Berlinger movie “Crude,” the fraudulent scheme against Chevron in Ecuador began to unravel. The outtakes, combined with Chevron’s legal demands for documents from Donziger and the plaintiffs, led to evidence that the entire case was a fraud. The science was faked, the evidence manufactured, and the judges bought and paid for by Donziger. It was if Donziger had become a petit Latin American dictator himself controlling and choreographing the entire charade.

My how things have changed. Every single international court has ruled against Donziger once his skullduggery was exposed in court and the media. The most recent legal judgments, from the Canadian Supreme Court and Supreme Court of the Netherlands, ruled against Donziger’s fraudulent scheme.

Today, Steven Donziger has become a Raskolnikov-like character from Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. He may only emerge from this tragedy of his own making by confessing his guilt, and then perhaps he can find redemption and moral regeneration. To date, Donziger continues to profess his righteousness. The only question remaining is when will he will confess.

Here is the news on the latest victory for Chevron, which continues to expose the failings and criminal actions by Donziger in the fraud he attempted to perpetrate against the oil company at The Amazon Post.

Chevron Ecuador: Chevron Wins In Ecuador Fraud Case In Dutch Supreme Court
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