City Of Oakland Attacking Leaders Of Large Homeless Camps Says Derrick Soo

Derrick Soo

Oakland – Derrick Soo, who’s Oakland’s first homeless man running for Mayor of Oakland, just posted the video-blog above about 15 minutes ago from the time this post was written. In the video, he says that the City of Oakland’s embarking on an encampment cleanup. From the YouTube vlog auto-caption, this is what he reported:

Welcome everybody Derrick Soo here 2022 Oakland Mayoral Candidate. We’re down here today there’s a big encampment cleanup: they’re gonna be removing a whole bunch of the homeless folks here.

I’m here to support the group they’re tearing out all the hard structures right now so there they’re just going to send a whole bunch of people down on to the streets (with) nowhere to go.

Oakland claims that they’ve offered all of these folks housing or alternative shelter at a local St. Vincent DePaul – and a local shelter We verified that there are no beds available hearing and there’s no reservations for City of Oakland or anyone.

So we’re here in support of the folks and try and offer whatever help where we can.

This is an attack literally an attack on all of the founders of the large homeless camps.

Right here, we have Markya, who’s the lead person over here the homeless contact and then her advocate is East Oakland Collective with Candice Elvan.

Next up, tomorrow we suspect, is over on East 12th the median. And that one is by the advocate known as Nita Beat of The Village of Oakland. She’s the founder. Then we have West Oakland for the rest of the week and the lead person over there is Mavin, Mavin Griffin.

So we have some issues with with that

So it’s clearly an attack on all the leaders and founders of the large camps.

In fact, as last as of last night, my former camp, 77 Ave Rangers, is now officially on the closure list next week. So we’re verifying that issue right now, and seeing how that plays out. But as far as we know now they have also made this personal for me: they’re closing my former camp next week.

We want flood (Oakland Mayor) Libby’s office with telephone calls and emails telling it to
stop this. This is just in front of the winter, and no beds – we verified this. There are no beds at any shelter for any of these folks. So they’re tearing down all these structures and leaving them out in the cold.

This is not humane. This is not humane, folks.

No matter what you saw last week on KTVU, on KPIX, all of those stations – it was a lie. They are tearing down structured homes right now. They spent the weekend towing vehicles. So there are a lot of homeless folks right now that have returned to all parts of Oakland.

And no alternative housing has been offered. So stick with me we’ll be right back.

Anyone representing the City of Oakland is welcome to respond in the comment section below, and the communications staff has the contact information for this blogger.

Mr. Soo also posted this video just before the one above:

As a note, this post does not constitute an official endorsement of Derrick Soo for Mayor of Oakland. That written, what he is reporting is Oakland news now, and should not be ignored.

Stay tuned.

City Of Oakland Attacking Leaders Of Large Homeless Camps Says Derrick Soo
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