City of Oakland Planning & Building Department New App To Schedule Building Inspections

City of Oakland

New App Makes It Easier to Schedule Building Inspections

Oakland – The City of Oakland’s Planning & Building Department launched a new application called, Oakland Building Inspection Request, making it easier for customers to schedule building inspections.

Once downloaded to a mobile device, applicants and contractors can use the new tool at their convenience to schedule inspections.

“The changing nature of our work environment calls for us to regularly adopt new and better ways to engage our public,” said William Gilchrist, Director of the Planning & Building Department. “This is one more way that customers may easily access our services, minimize wait times for appointments, and allow staff to better support customers in other ways.”

The day of the scheduled inspection, users will receive notification of the inspector’s arrival window period, minimizing long, ambiguous wait times.

This new app is one of three ways that customers can request an inspection:

• Call: (510) 238-3443

• E-mail: [email protected]

• Download the app:

Moving more customers to the mobile app to schedule inspections helps to optimize internal operations, as it will dramatically reduce the number of phone calls that staff manage. This will allow staff to focus more time on permit research and other important work directly servicing customers.

For more information regarding all of Oakland’s Building Inspections Services, please visit

City of Oakland Planning & Building Department New App To Schedule Building Inspections
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