City Of Oakland Receives $30 Million For New Permanent Housing To Address Homelessness

City of Oakland

Oakland, CA (press release from City of Oakland to Zennie62Media) – Six City of Oakland – affiliated affordable housing developers were awarded a total of $30 million from the State of California to develop permanent supportive housing in Oakland. Permanent supportive housing is a model that combines housing that is affordable to families and individuals experiencing homelessness with supportive services. Supportive services can include case management, aid for those with physical disabilities, mental health assistance, and support with daily life activities.

The six developments, which include a mix of new construction and rehabilitated buildings, are being funded through the State of California’s No Place Like Home Program – funded through the recently approved Proposition 2 – and the Supportive Housing Multifamily Housing Program – funded from Propositions 46 and 1C. These developments are also funded by voter-approved Measure KK for affordable housing.

“This is a great example of how City of Oakland resources can leverage State funds to advance critical projects that will have a significant impact on our communities,” says Maraskeshia Smith, Interim Director of Housing & Community Development.

The developments will add 168 new homes serving families and individuals experiencing homelessness and those with special needs. Some of the permanent supportive housing units will target veterans, people with mental health and substance abuse issues, and individuals who were formerly incarcerated. The new residents of these buildings will be chosen through the Alameda County Coordinated Entry System, ensuring that the properties are serving those with the greatest needs. The residents are then supported in their homes with a variety of services that ensure housing stability, health and employment improvements.

“These housing developments are incredibly important for addressing the needs of our most vulnerable populations,” noted Sara Bedford, Director of Human Services. “They are part of our overall strategy to address homelessness. Getting more projects like this funded and operational is critical to addressing this regional housing and homeless crisis.”

The six projects include a total of 413 affordable housing units serving low-income households, of which 168 provide permanent supportive housing. Project completion dates vary from late 2019 through 2022. With recent bond measures, experts in the housing market anticipate there will be future rounds of funding for these types of programs.

City Of Oakland Planned Housing Projects
City Of Oakland Planned Housing Projects
City Of Oakland Receives $30 Million For New Permanent Housing To Address Homelessness
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