City Of Oakland To Do Homeless Encampment Cleanup Today


The City of Oakland has had a quiet program of homeless encampment cleanup underway this year. According to what’s written at the City of Oakland’s website, this is what is under way, today:

Lakeside Park: Perkins to Harrison along Bellevue Enforcement of Closure Zone
1. Wood St. between 24th & 26th St.Pile Removal (PR) / Garbage Cart (GC) OPD accompanies OPW / Date of Closure (DOC)
2. 35th & Peralta St.
3. 36th St. & MLK Jr. Way
4. 34th St. & Telegraph Ave.
5. VA
6. MLK Jr. Way between Grand & 24th St. /23rd Street between MLK Jr. Way and San Pablo Ave. 7. Webster St. – Under Hwy 880 and 6th / 5th St. & Webster
8. 77th Ave. near Hawley St.
9. 28th St. and Ettie
10. 5th St. between Adeline and Market
11. E. 8th Street and Alameda Ave. / High St.
12. 14th Ave. between E. 33rd & MacArthur
13. 5th Ave. & Kirkham St.
14. Harrison St. and Santa Clara Ave

The fact is the words “enforcement of closure zone” means people are being evicted and have no place to go. That was the case leading to this Vanlentine’s Day Protest:

As a note, Oakland and California can solve this problem and fast. We had California Redevelopment Law and an Affordable Housing Set-Aside until 2011.

Sheltered Mercy Documentary

If you’ve not seen my conversation with Dr. Leslie Silver on the homeless and mental illness problem in Sacramento, its here below. The movie documentary called Sheltered Mercy is slated to be complete fall of 2020.

Stay tuned.

City Of Oakland To Do Homeless Encampment Cleanup Today
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