Congresswoman Lee Appointed Democratic Congressional Representative to the United Nations

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, California, Oakland

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) on Thursday, September 9th, 2021, announced her appointment to serve as Congressional Representative of the United States to the Seventy-Sixth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. This is the fifth time Congresswoman Lee has been appointed to this position. Congresswoman Lee will continue to represent the 13th Congressional District of California while she assumes the duties of a Representative to the United Nations. 

“I am deeply honored by the opportunity to represent my colleagues at the United Nations. I’d like to personally thank President Biden for this appointment and Speaker Pelosi for her support. This year’s General Assembly theme, ‘Building resilience through hope’ underscores the importance of Congress’s work with the United Nations to recover from COVID-19, promote sustainability, respond to the climate crisis, and uphold the rights of all people.

“In this role and as Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, I will continue to support diplomacy, foreign assistance, and development programs and will use the UN Sustainable Development goals as a guide to address global poverty, hunger, education, gender equality, and reproductive rights. As we recover from a global pandemic that has once again shown us the painful legacy of systemic racism and discrimination, I will also focus on the specific challenges experienced by people of African descent around the globe.

“I look forward to continue working with my colleagues to engage with the United Nations as we reaffirm our commitment to peace, security, and lifting up marginalized communities.”  

Congresswoman Lee Appointed Democratic Congressional Representative to the United Nations
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