COVID-19 Stimulus Package Underwhelms Says League of Women Voters

League of Women Voters

COVID-19 Stimulus Package Underwhelms After Months of Negotiations

The League of Women Voters applauds bipartisan support and urges Congress to consider more relief

WASHINGTON – The League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase issued the following statement following passage of the new $900B coronavirus relief package under the CARES Act – the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act:

“While we are pleased that this bi-partisan agreement will accelerate vaccine distribution and support small businesses, $600 stimulus checks are an insult to Americans hurting during this pandemic. The insinuation is that something is better than nothing and that is unacceptable. This holiday season, people out of work or underemployed are struggling to provide for their families and need greater support from their federal government. We expect legislators in the new Congress to do right by American families.

“In recent weeks, the League partnered with healthcare professionals and community-based organizations to push for the COVID Community Care Act, which is included in this legislation and provides resources for community-based organizations to help inform and distribute medical support for underserved communities.

“The League of Women Voters stands ready and willing to work with lawmakers to ensure that families and individuals are supported during the winter months, because the America people are hurting and looking to elected officials for support.”

Stay tuned.

COVID-19 Stimulus Package Underwhelms Says League of Women Voters
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