Does Oakland Mayor Thao Have ABC’s Casey Pratt In Back Pocket Feeding Fake News On Howard Terminal?

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Oakland News Now Blog – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube.

Does Oakland Mayor Thao Have ABC’s Casey Pratt In Back Pocket Feeding Him Fake News On Howard Terminal? Casey Pratt, my friend who’s ABC San Francisco’s version of a digital media star (like NBC Bay Area has Brodie Brazil in a similar fashion), has interviewed Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao a number of times. But, as many observers have pointed out, Pratt has never challenged her in an interview. Casey’s never asked her, for example, why she failed to even try and implement the promised tax increment financing zone Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf originally established with California State Senator Nancy Skinner? Casey never asked Mayor Thao why she was content to push all affordable housing costs on the A’s as well as community benefits costs? Money that was supposed to be provided by the tax increment financing zone that the City of Oakland never established, and that Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said the City did not have the talent to do (even though I asked to be hired to do it because I have 30-plus years of experience doing that). Now, Casey’s latest echo of the City of Oakland’s Fake News comes from his YouTube short (interesting he and Brodie are on YouTube where I am), claiming that the City had $352 million for infrastructure. But Casey is wrong. Why? Because the real issue was who was going to pay for community benefits costs and affordable housing. The fact is, the community benefits cost share was never resolved because the City dragged its feet in not doing TIF, where the money was to come from, then started trying to push costs on the Oakland A’s. That doesn’t come from Dave Kaval, that comes from the fact that Oakland never DID TIF and by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s admission to me here: So, why is Casey Pratt (and also Brodie Brazil) sticking to the City of Oakland’s party line on Howard Terminal? Are they paid or is ABC picking up their tab? They’re not doing this for free. What’s up? And why has Casey or Brodie never had me on their show, even though I had Casey on? Brodie has chosen from the start to not mention me, so I figured the issue was racially-motivated. After all, he’s only had white media guests on his show, not anyone from black-owned or black media. Facts are facts.


Note from Oakland News Now Blog, Zennie62 YouTube, and Zennie62Media: this Oakland News Now Blog video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. This is what we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now Blog site and Zennie62Media -created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, thus less chance for Oakland News Now Blog, Zennie62 YouTube vloggers to be robbed. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.

Does Oakland Mayor Thao Have ABC’s Casey Pratt In Back Pocket Feeding Fake News On Howard Terminal?

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