Donald Trump Talks NAFTA, Ignores John McCain Questions From Press


The White House Press Corp is asking President Donald Trump questions about the late Senator John McCain’s passing, but, according to emails from members of the White House Press Corp to Zennie62Media, he’s not answering them:

From: Ordonez, Franco
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 11:39 AM
Subject: Intown pool report #3 – no response on McCain

President Trump didn’t respond to any shouted questions about McCain or others.

POTUS said he would be terminating NAFTA.  POTUS said negotiations with Canada would start almost immediately. Said Canada could be added to current deal or entered into new deal. He threatened to issue car tariffs against Canada and said that one way or another there would be a deal with Canada. It’ll be a negotiated deal or a tariffs against Canada.

Check transcript, but Lighthizer siad he’d be turning in paper work on deal with Mexico possibly Friday and had 90 days to go through.

Donald Trump On The United States México Trade Agreement Nixing NAFTA

POTUS expanded on his morning tweet about a deal with Mexico and announced from the Oval Office that United States has reached a agreement with Mexico to enter new trade deal.

POTUS called it the The United States México trade agreement.  POTUS said he wanted to get rid of the name NAFTA. Said had bad connotations.  

“It’s a big day for trade. It’s a big day for our country.” 

POTUS said “we’ll see if Canada can be part of deal. Said possibly do a seperate deal but that negotiations with Canada will start soon.  

In Oval Office included kushner, Kelly, Lighthizer, Mexico Foreign minister. Luis Videgaray, Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo 

MExico president Pena Nieto joined by phone. 
More to come. Still ongoing. 

Then this follow-up email:

POTUS called the preliminary agreement with Mexico one of biggest, if not the biggest, trade deals to be made. 
“It’s a big day for trade. A big day for our country. A lot of people felt we’d never get here,’ POTUS said.
“They use to call it NAFTA. We’re going to call it the United States- Mexico trade agreement. We’ll get rid of the name NAFTA. It has a bad connotation because the United States was treated very very badly for NAFTA.”  
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto was patched in by phone to wish President Trump and the negotiators congratulations. “This is something very positive for the United States and Mexico,” he said.
Pena Nieto repeatedly expressed interest for Canada to be incorporated into the agreement.
POTUS told Pena Nieto the Mexican negotiators were “brilliant” and “I thought we could congratulate each other before it got out.”
POTUS said there would be a formal news conference in the near future.
POTUS said he was impressed with how President Pena Nieto and President-elect AMLO, who was also involved in some discussions,  worked together.
POTUS called Pena Nieto his friend and said working with him “ has been a pleasure.”
“It’s been an honor and you’ve been my friend.”  
POTUS concluded the call with Pena Nieto saying, “a job well done…. And added later in response to Pena Nieto offering saying goodbye traditional by offering “abrazos” – or hugs.
POTUS  responded: “ a hug from you would be very nice.” – that drew some chuckles.
POTUS called the agreement much US manufacturers and farmers.
“Our farmers are going to be so happy,” POTUS said. “Farmers have stuck with me.”
POTUS: “Mexico has promised to immediately start purchasing as much farm product as they can.”
POTUS said whether or Canada is added or want to make a separate deal.
POTUS turned to Lighthizer for some agreement. Lighthizer said Mexico-U.S. deal would be signed at end of November. He expected US letter to be delivered to Congress by the end of the week. It will be signed by other parties in 90 days..
POTUS said he’ll be terminating NAFTA and going into the current U.S.-Mexico deal.
He warned a deal with Canada will be made, but they may not like it. 
“One way or another we’ll have a deal with Canada. It’ll either be a tariff on cars or it’ll be a negotiated deal. Frankly, I tariff on cars is a much easier way to go. Perhaps, the other would be much better for Canada.”

Stay tuned.

Donald Trump Talks NAFTA, Ignores John McCain Questions From Press
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