Eric Metz Talks 2019 NFL Draft, Oakland Raiders, Kyler Murray, On Zennie62 YouTube


Eric Metz Talks 2019 NFL Draft, Oakland Raiders, Kyler Murray, On Zennie62 YouTube.

Sports Agent Eric Metz of LMM Mangement (Lock, Metz and Malinovic) comes on Zennie62 on YouTube tonight to talk 2019 NFL Draft, Oakland Raiders, Kyler Murray, Jamarcus Russell, and what teams are thinking and how the Raiders negotiate with sports agents.

Eric Metz (who got his start via former Oakland Raiders and now Washington Redskins executive Bruce Allen) and LMM Mangement have represented such stars as Russell, Joey Galloway, Kendall Simmons, and many more. Eric, the 1983 graduate of Pennsylvania State University, represented 34 of the top NFL Draft picks and many of the top 10 for many of his 25 years in the business. All of that tonight at 8PM PST / 11 PM EST at Zennie62 YouTube.

And Zennie62 will have the founder of the A-11 Offense on Wednesday at the same time. And on Thursday, NFL Draft and Super Bowl Producer Frank Supovitz on at 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST.

Eric Metz Talks 2019 NFL Draft, Oakland Raiders, Kyler Murray, On Zennie62 YouTube
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