ESII: CES 2019 Las Vegas, Eureka Park Booth 50000 French Tech-Business France Pavilion


ESII presents WEASY, a fun and easy-to-use IoT to enhance the customer experience

LAVERUNE, France – ESII, SAS, French leader in innovative customer journey solutions, is proud to announce that it will participate in CES 2019 from January 8 to 11, in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Meet Lyda, Zennie62Media’s Official Music Artist at CES Las Vegas 2019.)

ESII will showcase Weasy, a connected card that enhances the customer experience and frees him from the wait.

Optimizing the reception of customers and their journey is a key issue. Reducing wait times, offering a personalized welcome, offering cross-channel services and improving profitability are some of the challenges.

Thanks to Weasy, a ticketless solution to welcome visitors, the reception becomes connected. With this connected card, customers are totally free of waiting. The device dynamically displays the number of people waiting, informs them when they are called and indicates on the screen the counter that calls them.

Customers can enjoy their time in the store, without having to wait in a queue. A pause function even allows them to take all the time they want to watch, try the products, before being called by an advisor or a salesperson.

When another customer is called, Weasy automatically goes to sleep and once repositioned on its base at the reception, it recharges itself.

Easy and funconnected object, Weasy benefits from a patented ESII technology and adapts to all environments: specialized shops, stores, pharmacies, restaurants …
Our participation in the CES, international showcase of technological innovation is also for us the opportunity to accelerate our international development.

ESII is the specialist in customer reception management with a diversity of customers around the world to prove the innovation of our offer (stores, banks, hospitals …). Among our clients: DECATHLON SPORTS, LEROY MERLIN DIY, NESPRESSO, CARREFOUR SUPERMARKETS, FNAC, CONFORAMA FURNISHINGS, TRAVELEX, Caissedesjardins Bank, AIR France AIRLINES, City of Paris, ARGOS RETAIL COMPANY, …

Come and visit us: CES, JAN 8-11, 2019, LAS VEGAS, NV
Eureka Park, Booth #50000
We exhibit on the French Tech and Business Francepavilion,associated with Occitanie region.

ESII: CES 2019 Las Vegas, Eureka Park Booth 50000 French Tech-Business France Pavilion
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