George Conway, Kellyanne’s Husband, Uses Twitter To Blast Donald Trump


Atlanta – George Conway just plain hates President Donald Trump. What’s more, President Trump is the boss of George Conway’s wife Kellyanne Conway. Yes, the same Kellyanne Conway

Kelly Ann Conway And George Conway
Kelly Ann Conway And George Conway

who works for Trump as his senior counselor, and occasional spokes person.

I’m not sure what it says for Donald Trump (except that he subscribes to the Hollywood PR book that reads “any press is good press”) that the mate of his senior counselor has devoted his Twitter account @gtconway3d to a daily take-down of him, and yet she maintains her job, but that’s the situation for now.

For whatever reason, George Conway seems determined to test the limits of that relationship via Twitter. Just look at his Twitter account. The current pinned tweet is this:

Or in text form…

Conway: Silly me for writing an 11,400-word article containing illustrations of @realDonaldTrump
’s pathological narcissism and sociopathy. I could have just retweeted this.

Trump: As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over…

George Conway Yankees Fan
George Conway Yankees Fan

That’s not to say that George Conway doesn’t have a point. Donald Trump has taken the Presidency of The United States of America to places that can only be described as collectively embarrassing. Moreover, and because of the direction he’s taken the office, Trump stands on the brink of impeachment from office.

If you ask why, just keep reading George Conway’s Twitter account. For example…


So, if you want a good daily account of the many controversial actions of President Trump, and along with occasional analysis of the President’s mental state, just follow George Conway on Twitter.  You won’t be sorry.


Stay tuned.

George Conway, Kellyanne’s Husband, Uses Twitter To Blast Donald Trump
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