Hey Matt Mullenweg, Sorry But WordPress Gutenberg Not Ready For Prime Time, Yet


WordPress Gutenberg is all of the talk or rage talk, or rage and talk in the WordPress Community, of late. And it’s only going to grow with each passing period of time and each new version of WordPress that is rolled out between now and when WordPress Gutenberg hits us all over the collective heads with WordPress 5.0.

The reason the talk grows is because WordPress Gutenberg is the result of the good folks at WordPress, led by WP co-founder Matt Mullenweg, thinking that WordPress needs to be made accessible to everyone. In other words, we’re in a society where folks have been so dumbed down by what was once called the ultimate time-waster, Facebook, might as well be called the ultimate mind-sweeper because it’s arguably sucked the very brains out of normal people, and replaced them with something that’s akin to mush.

Blocks to the rescue, of as I prefer to think of it, blocks for blockheads.

That’s not to say I don’t support what Matt and others are trying to do – I now do, and I also believe it’s necessary that people know how to build their own platforms and own blogs. We can’t let Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook rule the day. We just have to stop this seemingly glacial in size social move toward becoming the unthinking, lazy, drugged and baked people depicted in movies like WALL-E.

So get ready for Gutenberg. As Mor 10 says

Familiarize yourself with Gutenberg by installing the plugin on an experimental site.
Train your contributors / staff on content creation and management using Gutenberg.
Check with the developers of your themes and plugins that they are preparing for Gutenberg.
As the release gets closer, start testing your sites with Gutenberg to ensure everything works properly.

But to do this, Gutenberg has to work. It’s just too buggy now. Fix the bugs – like how the scroll bar bleeds off the page and on to the Moon. Or maybe Mars? Would you care to try for Alpha Centauri? Just asking.

Fix the bugs – then talk the theory of content formation with blocks.

Stay tuned.

Hey Matt Mullenweg, Sorry But WordPress Gutenberg Not Ready For Prime Time, Yet
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