To The “No ID Caller” Oakland BBQ Becky Type Who Called Zennie62Media And Said They Were From Seattle


Just a moment ago, some fellow called this blogger but used the “no caller ID” block so I could not see their phone number. Then the person said “I wonder who it was who went to the New England School of Journalism.” It was a left field question, so I paused and then said “Oh, that’s Nikki Raney.” And the guy said “Yeah, well I’ve never heard of the New England School of Journalism.” That sent me through the roof.

The name of the establishment that Nikki went to school at was told to me to be The New England School of Journalism” at the time – that was 2009; this is 2018. So, we are connected on Facebook, so I checked and saw that the school is now called “The New England School of Communications”, where Nikki majored in journalism.

Asked the person why they would take the middle of a Monday and make a call like that, and ask a question from a no caller ID phone? If the person had any real non-threatening intent, all he had to do was go to Google and type Nikky Raney and then New England, and see that she attended The New England School of Communications. But that’s the “Oakland BBQ Becky” society we live in.

I don’t believe the person was from Seattle. I think the person was from the SF Bay Area and from a rival media outlet. The organization I’m thinking of can’t stand that a black guy has his own media company. So, they have to find something, anything, wrong.

Oh, and like Oakland BBQ Becky, they have hide behind the sunglasses-equivalent “no caller id” to do their ugly business of fashioning stories to discredit black people.

I can spot “Oakland BBQ Becky” behavior in a second.

What a sicko.

To The “No ID Caller” Oakland BBQ Becky Type Who Called Zennie62Media And Said They Were From Seattle
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