Iowa Corn Growers Association Welcomes President Trump’s $16 billion In Aid


Iowa Corn Growers Association President Curt Mether sent this statement to Zennie62Media and in support of President Trump’s $16 billion in aid.

We, The Iowa Corn Growers Association, along with other agriculture groups, are welcoming the $16 billion issued by the Trump Administration today in assistance to help farmers with potential loss due to the recent tariffs and China’s retaliatory tariffs. These funds will be used to calm the destruction of the perfect agriculture storm. Us farmers are caught right in the middle of the agriculture storm with low prices due to the current trade disputes, demand destruction of ethanol by the EPA granting RFS waivers to oil refiners, plus devastating weather conditions this spring.

All these factors are affecting farm incomes and farmers need fair treatment during these uncertain times. Although the amount as not yet been issued for bushels of corn, The Iowa Corn Growers Association continues to push for more aid than was given in the first trade aid last year.

ICGA issued a call to action last week encouraging members to express to the Trump Administration that one cent per bushel of corn is not enough due to the economic situation for corn farmers. This week, there was a media report stating a draft of the Trump Administration’s plan will allocate 4 cents per bushel of corn.

ICGA has continued daily dialog with the Administration and Congress continuing to state that 4 cents does not reflect trade impact on corn. According to an NCGA-commissioned economic analysis conducted last May, corn farmers suffered a loss of at least 44 cents per bushel in the price of corn. We continue daily to speak up for our corn farmers by saying a couple cents is not enough.

Iowa Corn Growers Association President Curt Mether

Iowa Corn Growers Association Welcomes President Trump’s $16 billion In Aid
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