Jesse Jackson In San Francisco And Oakland To Call To Stop Violence Against Muslims


Rev. Jackson will appear at Third Baptist Church in San Francisco and in Oakland at Skyline High School today, Friday.

San Francisco—The Rev. Jesse Jackson will address what is expected to be a standing room only gathering of religious faith leaders at 1 p.m. today, Friday, March 22, at Third Baptist Church, 1399 McAllister St., San Francisco.

Jackson, one of America’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures, will call upon President Trump and U.S. Evangelists to speak out against the violence being perpetrated against the Muslim community here and around the World.

“The nation is in crisis divided, and there is a toxic climate of incivility and hate,” Rev. Jackson said. “This reality is documented by security officials, human rights watch groups, and the FBI. The leader of the free world and his supporters among the rightwing evangelical community must stand now against all violence or face condemnation for their hypocrisy and failure to protect people of all faiths and beliefs.”

Rev. Amos Brown, pastor of Third Baptist Church and President of the San Francisco Chapter of the NAACP said “the only way for evil to triumph is for good people to be silent and do nothing. Now is the time for people of conscience and good will to stand up and be counted and help save the soul of our nation and defend our Democratic principles.”

“These basic truths need restating in this terrible time,” Rev. Jackson said. “Across the world, we see the rise of racism, anti-Semitism and islamophobia, and its violent expression. Parishioners in a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, are gunned down; worshippers in a Pittsburgh synagogue are attacked and killed. Now the murders in the mosques in New Zealand. Christians, Jews and Muslims must now stand as one and resist the rise of hate, and the hate-filled propaganda that feeds it,” Jackson added.

“Now is the time for citizens of conscience to act. Church and community leaders, responsible mothers and fathers, pundits and editorialists, scholars and celebrities, those who ride in limousines and those who take the early bus — all now have the responsibility to speak out against racism, to condemn the spread of hate, the sly encouragement of lawless violence. When our president acts irresponsibly to divide us, citizens must act responsibly to bring us together. Our freedoms — of speech, of assembly, of religion — can save us from misrule, but only if we exercise them,” Rev. Jackson added.

Free Parking is available next to the church.

Rev. Jackson will also appear in Oakland at Skyline High School to discuss the importance of civic engagement.

Jesse Jackson In San Francisco And Oakland To Call To Stop Violence Against Muslims
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