Jovanka Beckles Gets CA AD15 Endorsement By Courage Campaign, Oakland Post, El Mundo


The 1.4 million member Courage Campaign announced its endorsement for Jovanka Beckles for AD 15. Eddie Kurtz, Executive Director of the California-based Courage Campaign, stated:

“Now more than ever, California needs strong, bold and progressive leadership in Sacramento. Courage Campaign is proud to endorse Jovanka Beckles — a true progressive champion who will be both representative of and accountable to the people of California. She is exactly the kind of leader we need in Sacramento.

“Putting Jovanka Beckles in the 15th assembly district seat would send a clear signal that our state is stepping up to the plate by rejecting corporate PAC money and sticking to its values, putting the state’s most pressing issues — things like fighting against big oil amidst an environmental crisis in California, ensuring affordable and accessible health care for all, and holding corporations accountable — first.

“With our endorsement of Jovanka Beckles, we’re putting Corporate Democrats on notice: progressives are building power, and we’re coming for your seats next.”

Courage Campaign’s mission is to fight for a more progressive California and country. Headquartered in Los Angeles, it combines digital tools with grassroots community organizing and messaging for its priorities of economic justice, human rights, and corporate and political accountability.

Jovanka welcomed Courage Campaign’s support, declaring,

“The Courage Campaign’s priorities and mine are the same: a corporate-money-free and accountable political system that serves people’s needs and upholds their rights. I am thrilled to be recognized and supported in my campaign to represent AD15 by this progressive and innovative grass-roots organization.”

On November 1, northern California’s largest African-American weekly newspaper, the Oakland Post included Jovanka on its front page banner photo montage of endorsed candidates for the November 6 election, while its affiliated El Mundo included her in its voter guide.

Jovanka stated, “the Oakland Post and El Mundo are vital parts of our East Bay African-American and Latino communities, helping to knit us together in all our concerns. I’m proud to be pictured on the endorsement banner and included in the voters’ guide. I salute the Post Group as it supports me.”

Jovanka Beckles Gets CA AD15 Endorsement By Courage Campaign, Oakland Post, El Mundo
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