Jovanka Beckles Gets California Nurses Association Endorsement


The California Nurses Association announced its endorsement of Jovanka Beckles for election as District 15 Representative to the State Assembly in November’s election. The Association represents about 100,000 nurses across the state. CNA Co-President Malinda Markowitz stated, 

Jovanka Beckles has for many years been a stalwart defender of California’s nurses and healthcare workers and she is a fierce advocate for Medicare for all and SB 562. She has a proven record of defending the vulnerable in our society and that is why we are happy to endorse her for Assembly District 15.

In response, Richmond City Council Member and Assembly candidate Jovanka Beckles expressed her deep appreciation for the nurses’ support, declaring,

“I am thrilled to receive the endorsement of the California Nurses Association!
“These are the powerful, strong people who stand by our bedsides and meet our physical and emotional needs when we are most vulnerable.  How could we not listen to them when they tell us that our health care system needs to be fixed?
“They advocate for a government-run, taxpayer-funded single payer system so that no one will fall through the cracks. And so do I! It’s a tough battle in the face of corporate opposition, but I have never taken money from corporations. And I never will.
“I have long fought for universal health care as a human right. I fought to save the Doctors’ Medical Center in Richmond. I’m on the side of saving Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley from closure. 
“Together we can take back control of our government and enact the laws we desperately need. Thank you CNA!

Jovanka Beckles Gets California Nurses Association Endorsement
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