Jovanka Beckles Gets Sierra Club of California Endorsement In CA 15 Race


On July 25, Sierra Club of California Director Kathryn Phillips announced the Sierra Club’s endorsement of Richmond Councilmember Jovanka Beckles’ candidacy for Assembly District 15. “Jovanka has more than proven her willingness and ability to work for the public interest and a safe, clean environment. She’s the real deal and Sierra Club is proud to support her to represent AD 15,” said Phillips.

Jovanka Beckles commented upon the endorsement with a fervent plea to intensify action to save planet earth.

The wonderful earth is ours to lose. Time is short.

My very first earth memory is of Panama’s humid green vegetation fringing long white beaches. I still miss it but now I’m in love with the beauty of our Bay and its rim of regional parks that keep us sane.

Seeing the appalling industrial mess we’re making, I have been fighting for years to protect and clean up our environment. I was part of the battle when Richmond took on the highly polluting Chevron refinery and won.

John Muir founded the Sierra Club in 1892 to save our unique redwoods. Down through the years, as we have learned about the migratory paths of newts across the roads in our East Bay hills, and have discovered the tiny filaments underground (mycorrhizal hyphae) that enable plants to communicate with each other, our scientists teach us how fragile life is. We must listen to them and act.

California needs vigorously to pursue a renewable, sustainable, non-carbon-based energy economy, to rectify the environmental injustices of the past and to avoid further polluting of our air, water, and land. That’s what I’ll advocate in Sacramento.

I’m greatly honored by the Sierra Club’s endorsement. Together we can make and remake laws to save our planet.

The Sierra Club of California joins six other environmental organizations that previously endorsed her: the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) Action; the California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA) Action; the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV); Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) Action; San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club; and the Sunflower Alliance.

Jovanka Beckles Gets Sierra Club of California Endorsement In CA 15 Race
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