Kaplan Wins: Oakland City Council Unanimously Votes To Launch MACRO In – House

City of Oakland

Rebeca Kaplan, the Oakland City Councilmember’s At-Large Representative, Effectively Used All Media To Gain Passage of Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland (MACRO), in partnership with the Oakland Fire Department

Here’s the press release sent by The Office of Oakland City Councilmember Rebeca Kaplan:

Oakland – Today, Oakland City Council unanimously passed resolutions to approve two proposals introduced by Vice-Mayor Rebecca Kaplan to improve safety and economic opportunity. Kaplan introduced a proposal to launch MACRO in-house through the Oakland Fire Department; and a resolution to unfreeze already funded (Fund 2415) permits processing positions in the Building Department.

Both proposals received unanimous support from the Oakland community, grassroot organizations, and the full City Council. Vice Mayor Kaplan is thankful for the overwhelming response and looks forward to the implementation of these council directives that speak to the needs of the Oakland community.

More information the Vice Mayor Kaplan’s proposals:

Item 8: Unfreeze and Authorize Development Services Fund (Fund 2415) Positions

The City Council has received reports from the administration expressing concerns about the drop in tax revenue. In addition, community members and stakeholders have expressed difficulty with the slowness of accessing the city’s permit process, which is impeding the building of housing and the opening of businesses. Kaplan seeks to utilize funds in 2415 for the purpose they were created – – to support the City’s development activities, by unfreezing the vacant positions and allowing for a faster permitting process.

This will allow housing and other needed projects to advance more quickly, improve the ability of businesses to open and expand, and provide revenue to fund vital services while growing jobs. In addition to unfreezing numerous positions, this resolution would provide a full-time position in the Human Resources Department. This new Analyst would be responsible for expeditiously hiring the positions funded by Fund 2415, which include positions in the Planning and Building, and Transportation Departments, which are essential to perform the City’s development activities. These vacancies have contributed to the economic hardship to the public through reduction in jobs and business opportunities, as well as reduced tax revenue that is needed to fund vital public services. Therefore, unfreezing these revenue generating positions would allow the community to continue to build and reopen.

Memo and Resolution: https://oakland.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4774106&GUID=BCB40A62-ACE8-4352-A3CF-0B975D688551

Item 7: Launching (MACRO) In-House

Kaplan’s proposal to launch in-house the city’s Mobile Assistance Community Responders of Oakland (“MACRO”), in partnership with the Oakland Fire Department (“OFD”), is feasible and would ensure the expansion and sustainability of the program beyond the launch. Fire fighters have already expressed their willingness to support our community in this effort. OFD already accommodates first responders with a 9-1-1 dispatch system. They are accustomed to operating day and night as well and can effectively house MACRO. Council President Nikki Bas and Councilmember Kalb supported this idea and announced a resolution to expedite the process of in-housing the MACRO program.



Congratulations to Councilmember Kaplan.

Stay tuned.

Kaplan Wins: Oakland City Council Unanimously Votes To Launch MACRO In – House
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