Kyla Johnson-Trammell To Discuss Changes To OUSD Police Services At Board Meeting Tonight

City Of Oakland And Ousd Have Plan To Close Digital Divide – Press Conference

I just received a press release from the Oakland Unified School District with the title:

At Tonight’s Board of Education Meeting, Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell Will Discuss Changes to Police Services in this Time of Nationwide Protests Against Systemic Racism

Perhaps this will be the time the Oakland Unified School District gets rid of its god awful and racist internal police system.

Here’s the press release:

Oakland, CA — At the Board of Education’s regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday evening, June 10, the first meeting since protestors swept across the country calling for everyone to support the Black Lives Matter movement, Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell will discuss her latest thinking about the District having its own police department, and what her vision of that department is going forward.

Oakland Unified School District supports all people who are calling for racial justice and equal treatment under the law. Likewise, everyone has expressed outrage at what happened to George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department, and agrees that this kind of institutional racism must be eliminated now. “I fully support the calls for racial equity and justice in our institutions, our workplaces, and our schools. I applaud the concrete actions taken at the local, state and national levels to right these historical wrongs,” says Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “It’s long overdue.”

Johnson-Trammell added, “Together, we can reimagine how to keep our schools safe, healthy and welcoming. Together, we can find a new way. A way that builds on OUSD’s strong foundation of community schools, restorative justice, and social emotional learning.”

The Superintendent’s Report during the early part of the virtual meeting will include Johnson-Trammell’s recommendation on the future of the Oakland School Police Department.

WHAT: Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell Discusses Future of OUSD Police Department
WHEN: 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 10
WHERE: Stream meeting live on or via Zoom at:

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 83 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit and follow us @OUSDnews.

Kyla Johnson-Trammell To Discuss Changes To OUSD Police Services At Board Meeting Tonight
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