Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium Roof Problem Bigger Than Oakland Raiders Admit

Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium Roof Problem Bigger Than Oakland Raiders Admit

Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium Roof Problem Bigger Than Oakland Raiders Admit

ONN – Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium Roof Problem Bigger Than Oakland Raiders Admit

UPDATE: Las Vegas Stadium Authority Report Confirms Whistleblower Claims: Roof Delayed To May 2020 Or Beyond

UPDATE: Oakland Raiders Have Not Told Oakland Coliseum JPA They’re Leaving; NFL 2020 In Oakland Still Possible.

UPDATE:Whistleblower Las Vegas Stadium Workers Tell Zennie62Media About Bad Bolts And Bad Welds Problem

Citizen Journalist Tina Quizon is the star of this livestream talk about Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium. She reports that there were workers who wished to remain unnamed, but claim there were problems with the bolts used in stadium construction.

Ms. Tina Quizon also wrote this to me:

Tina Quizon: I will try to find out more but folks are afraid to talk any further then the original allegations told to me in fear of retaliation, especially after the New Orleans Hard rock hotel incident ….workers tried to tell of usage conditions prior and were meant with hostility & now harassment from GOVT …from what I was able to gather it happened about the week or two before my arrival on the 9th of Nov. but will try to reach back out to get more details of the location of the small collapse … many construction company’s been using inferior steel, rebar and bolts from China .. could be the cause here also ..
And it has been reported that Las Vegas and this project has been short on skilled steel workers and skilled steel welders …
So it adds to the possibly of structural integrity problem …and if the Allegient Stadium is doing some first in designs then the concepts have not been previously tried and proven as sound.

In the livestream, we go back to the June 15, 2019 report on Oakland News Now, where Jedi Rich and Jedi Joy reported on the problem with an incorrectly installed truss, and they wrote that “As of Friday morning, the truss was on the ground. The bolts were not fitting right. It was a big deal, because they got it almost set and then had to bring it back down. This causes a lot of people wasted time for the crew.”

Afterward, it was assumed that the “bolts were not fitting right” problem was solved, but according to Tina, and putting two stories together, it seems that it may not have been fixed.

I write that, because Oakland Raiders Chief Operating Officer Don Webb did not explain why the roof structure lift was delayed to December – only that it was delayed to December 2019. His explanation that the roof was not on the schedule “critical path” was even more confusing when he said to the Review Journal that ““Moving the cable up and out of the way in order for the cranes to come in to place the rest of the 800 pieces of precast seating was vitally important,” Webb said. “The cable net being up and out of the way let us bring in excavation equipment and move this dirt and to be able to work on the rail system (for the retractable field tray), underground utilities and the concrete slab itself. Now that the cable is up and out of the way it really is no longer significant in terms of the current schedule’s critical path.””

Then, the Review Journal author added “That said, at some point leading up to July 31, every task has the potential of becoming part of the critical path.” So, since Webb must have been the source of that take, the roof problem spells potential trouble. It’s like the bent over backwards not to say there was a problem.

In closing, the other new news is the Oakland Raiders Coliseum Stadium Rent will be the same as the previous year, should the Raiders chose to activate the lease option to play at the Oakland Coliseum in 2020, rather than Las Vegas Stadium.

Stay tuned and read about Insight Terminal Solutions here.

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Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium Roof Problem Bigger Than Oakland Raiders Admit
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