Long-Term COVID-19 Cardiovascular Damage Fallout Requires Remote Patient Monitoring


COVID-19-related press releases have come to dominate the daily emails to Zennie62Media, and so it seemed like a good idea to start printing some as content. That good idea was based on the COVID-19-related press release you’re about to read.

More studies show how COVID-19 aftermath survival may be driven by heart conditions across all demographics. InfoBionic explains why remote cardiac monitoring will be foundational to improving patient outcomes in an evolving long term.


Up to 20 percent of patients with COVID-19 may have heart injury due to the new coronavirus as more otherwise healthy people with COVID-19 suffer clotting that can lead to strokes.
31 COVID-19 hotspot states now exist as June 30, 2020 showing both an approaching second wave and the reality that this will be a health problem with heart related fallout for potentially years to come.
Chronic cardiac complications could arise in Covid-19 patients even after recovery as a result of persistent inflammation.
Peer-reviewed studies have established that presymptomatic people often infect others before they feel sick and are the most infectious people of the asymptomatic and presymptomatic groups.
Being critically ill and low oxygen levels puts additional stress on the heart and doctors now think that viral particles in Covid-19 patients might be specifically inflaming the heart muscle.

Stuart Long, CEO of InfoBionic has over 25 years of experience in leadership positions at the nexus of the medical device and information technology industries. This provides him with keen and forward-thinking insights on the meaning of current data trends around COVID-19 and cardiovascular damage that will inform needed and future responses.

This is particularly important with the looing long-germ heart health effects of the aftermath of the virus. He has an established track record leading medical device and IT companies through rapid expansion and sales growth, leading to successful acquisitions. Long has also held executive positions at healthcare IT-focused companies including Agfa HealthCare, AMICAS, FUJIFILM USA and Eastman Kodak.

“As more becomes known about the long-term heart implications of COVID-19, Cardiologist and researchers will desperately need remote cardiac monitoring for condition tracking of heart and COVID-19 patients. These solutions must be fast, accurate, effective, simple to use, non-invasive and provides full disclosure condition monitoring versatility to save more lives without physically seeing patients.” ~Stuart Long

Stuart Long and Cardiologist, Dr. Movsowitz, can speak to the following:

The perfect storm of heart patients with preexisting conditions and the COVID-19-induced heart arrythmia connection that will increase deaths during stay in place orders
How remote cardiac care can play a larger role in providing proactive alerts and resulting care for both types of patients wherever they may be
How the long-term heart health effects of COVID-19 on those with preexisting conditions and previously healthy patients will require remote cardiac monitoring for both real-time intervention and long-term research of its efftects on the heart.
Statistics on the efficacy of full disclosure cardiac monitoring in improving outcomes and saving lives in the new normal of COVID-19
How companies like InfoBionic must take the lead in innovation to ensure that solutions and cardiologist support systems impact the broadest population dealing with COVID-19 heart conditions for battling costs, complexity, and fears that lead to more deaths

What Is InfoBionic?

InfoBionic is a digital health company transforming the efficiency and economics of ambulatory remote patient monitoring processes by optimizing clinical and real-world utility for the users that need it most – physicians and their patients. The Massachusetts-based team of seasoned entrepreneurs leverages successful careers in healthcare, IT, medical devices and mobile technology along with specific expertise in remote monitoring and cardiology. Their first-hand experience with the complexities of traditional cardiac arrhythmia detection and monitoring processes led to design of the transformative MoMe® Kardia platform to remove the roadblocks hindering faster, more effective diagnosis and decision-making. InfoBionic is the recipient of the Frost & Sullivan 2019 North American Remote Cardiac Monitoring Technology Leadership Award. https://infobionic.com/

Long-Term COVID-19 Cardiovascular Damage Fallout Requires Remote Patient Monitoring
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