Loren Taylor Oakland Councilmember, Mayoral Candidate, Talks Run, Oakland Problems

Loren Taylor Oakland District Six Councilmember

A wide-ranging talk on the District 6 Councilmember’s run for Mayor of Oakland, and Oakland’s future.

Loren Taylor Oakland Councilmember, Mayoral Candidate, Talks Run, Oakland Problems

ZENNIE62MEDIA, Inc. is proud to present Zennie Abraham’s interview with Oakland District Six Councilmember Loren Taylor. This is his platform to share why he’s running for Mayor. We’ll also find out what he gives as the reason why his name appears as Oakland City Council District Six Candidate for Re-election as Councilmember. And we will learn about his idea to reduce gun violence in Oakland and what happened where Oakland Councilmember’s Nikki Fortunado Bas and Sheng Thao took actions that initially prevented his resolution from being presented to the public two weeks ago.

The event will be here on Zennie62 YouTube and Oakland News Now Tuesday afternoon December 14th 2pm PST and 5pm.

Stay tuned.

Loren Taylor Oakland Councilmember, Mayoral Candidate, Talks Run, Oakland Problems
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