Louie Gohmert Texas GOP Congressman “Needs Medication” Mentions FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s Wife In Insulting Questioning


Texas GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert went off the rails and mentioned the now former wife of FBI Agent Peter Strzok in his question of same agent at today’s hearing, called a “show trial” by some observers on MSNCB a moment ago. Called because of the discovery of text messages that showed Agent Strzok was biased against President Donald Trump, Congressman Gohmert went too far in his questioning and turned the discussion toward a mention of Agent Strzok’s wife, on whom he had an affair with a mistress.

“You’ve embarrassed them,” Congressman Louie Gohmert said. “You’ve embarrassed yourself. I can’t help wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife’s eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page.”

A series of howls erupted, and a very audible comment from (what sounded-like but has not yet been confirmed as being) Congresswoman Maxine Waters saying “He’s off his medication!”

It was the water-mark low point in a hearing marked with many of them. Overall, the questioning of Peter Strzok , a registered republican FBI Agent, did no one any good at all, and many are observing that it did a lot of bad. As Strzok himself observed, the only winners were in Russia, who must believe our entire system of liberal democracy is under attack.

Stay tuned.

Louie Gohmert Texas GOP Congressman “Needs Medication” Mentions FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s Wife In Insulting Questioning
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