Maria Ayerdi Kaplan, Salesforce Transit Center History: Phase 2 Priority Designation By MTC – ABAG


Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan, Salesforce Transit Center Developer and (now former) Executive Director of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, applauded the designation of Phase 2 of the Transit Center Project as a priority by two key government associations in 2012. This retrospective is part of the Oakland News Now series on Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan’s work to build what is now called Salesforce Transit Center.

On Thursday, May 21, 2012, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) jointly approved the draft Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) that designates the Downtown Caltrain Extension (DTX), Phase 2 of the Transbay Transit Center project, as a regional priority for the federal “New Starts” program.

“New Starts” was the federal government’s primary financial resource for supporting this type of transit capital investment. As a regional priority for New Starts, the Transit Center project began working with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) towards a Full Funding Grant Agreement that would allow for construction of the DTX.

Maria Ayerdi Kaplan Said The MTC / ABAG Designation Was Major Step Forward For Transit Center

At the announcement Maria Ayerdi Kaplan said “This designation is a major step forward for our project. The draft RTP includes a detailed plan to fully fund the DTX. We are thankful that MTC and ABAG have recognized the importance of this project, and we look forward to working with DOT and our regional partners to move forward with implementation.”

Kaplan continued “This extension of Caltrain into the heart of downtown San Francisco will be a major driver of economic growth for the city and region, when it happens. Between now and the year 2035, approximately 17 percent of San Francisco’s projected job growth will occur in the area surrounding the new Salesforce Transit Center. This represents the fastest projected job growth in the San Francisco. The connectivity provided by the DTX will maximize this job growth potential by connecting downtown San Francisco with employers and residents throughout the peninsula and Silicon Valley.”

Stay tuned.

Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan, Developer Of Salesforce Transit Center: Part Six Of Her Story as told to Zennie62Media. > Part One > Part Two > Part Three > Part Four > Part Five > Part Six > Part Seven > Part Eight.

Maria Ayerdi Kaplan, Salesforce Transit Center History: Phase 2 Priority Designation By MTC – ABAG
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