Masks On District 5! COVID-19 Safety Car Caravan And Day Of Action August 29, 11AM-1PM

Noel Gallo Oakland Councilmember

Masks On District 5! COVID-19 Safety Car Caravan & Day of Action on Saturday, August 29 from 11AM-1PM

Oakland, CA – Oakland Councilmember Noel Gallo and Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan will be cruising through Oakland District 5 neighborhoods to promote COVID-19 safety, distribute masks and encourage residents to complete Census and register to vote. Led by the Oakland Fire Department Parade Engine Truck, other participating organizations are: Native American Health Center, City of Oakland, Unity Council, and the Census.

The Car Caravan will begin at the Fruitvale BART Surface Parking lot, 1001 Fruitvale Avenue, and proceed on a route throughout District 5 with key stops at Cardenas Market, 1630 High Street, where four booths: Voter registration, Census 2020 sign up assistance, information about City services, and COVID safety kits will be stationed. (See attached Car Caravan Route/ Media Opportunities.) Another community outreach location will be at the Fruitvale Transit Village entrance on 12th Avenue. Along the caravan route, community volunteers will be at key street corners distributing masks and testing information.

” Please wear a mask! We need to defeat the COVID-19 virus. Your actions can save the lives of our children and families. Wear a mask for Oakland! Wear a mask for yourself!”, said Oakland District 5 Councilmember Noel Gallo.

“¡Porfavor use una máscara! ¡Lávese las manos frecuentemente! ¡Has distanciamiento social! Tus acciones pueden salvar las vidas de nuestros niños y familia. ¡Póngase la máscara, Oakland! Use una máscara por sí mismo” dijo el Concejal de Oakland Distrito 5, Noel Gallo.”

“Wearing a mask in public has proven effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping our communities safe,” said Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan. “I urge everyone to wear masks, wash their hands, and maintain social distance when outside. Mask on Alameda County!”

“El uso de máscaras es una forma efectiva para reducir la propagación del COVID-19 y mantener nuestras comunidades seguras” dijo la Supervisora del condado de Alameda, Wilma Chan. “Les urjo a todos que usen máscaras, se laven las manos y practiquen el distanciamiento social cuando estén afuera. ¡Póngase la máscara, Condado de Alameda!”

The Native American Health Center COVID-19 Testing Site, 3050 International Blvd. will be open on Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Track D5 Safety Caravan live:

For more information/Para mas informacion:

English: Preston Turner (510) 693-9866

Español: Mayra Chavez (510) 340-3544

Masks On District 5! COVID-19 Safety Car Caravan And Day Of Action August 29, 11AM-1PM
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