Now That Carroll Fife Is Oakland Councilmember Will She Stop 90-Car Protests To Phil Tagami’s House?

Now That Carroll Fife Is Oakland Councilmember Will She Stop 90-Car Protests To Phil Tagami’s House?
From YouTube Channel: November 6, 2020 at 03:35PM
ONN – Now That Carroll Fife Is Oakland Councilmember Will She Stop 90-Car Protests To Phil Tagami’s House?

The backstory is best explained in this excerpt from my previous blog post on this:

After his Oakland home and neighborhood were harassed by a 90-car march of people representing a non-profit group effort organized by someone named Anya Svanoe, Phil Tagami posted this question on Facebook:

So the new campaign by ACCE and certain special interests funding ACCE (a multi million dollar state wide advocacy organization) is to attack a few individuals to soften the field and sow a new tax structure to sell to the voters and literally bully the local elected’s into adopting before November…

ACCE is arguing this campaign is for the disenfranchised and poor…is it ? Who are the masters of this campaign? Who are the founders and funders of ACCE ? Let’s have some transparency?

The answer is not just Anya Svanoe, but Carroll Fife, listed as regional director of Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment – yes, the same Carroll Fife who’s our new District Three Oakland Councilmember.

It’s fair to ask if she’s going to realize that she’s not “speaking to power” anymore – she’s the power now, and not buzz Phil’s home again? Why did they do it? Because they were going on some campaign that was supposed to intimidate billionaires. Phil’s not a billionaire, just a local, self-made industrial developer and friend who’s helped a lot of people for the years.

Will Carroll use her new position as Oakland City Councilmember (and in my district) to call for more people in Oakland she perceives as rich to be put down in some way? Let’s hope not. We all need to work together.

Plus, she needs to pay attention to street cleaning, illegal dumping, crime-reduction, garbage-pickup, and service delivery, now. It’s a new day, Carroll. We expect you to make Oakland work.

Stay tuned.

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Now That Carroll Fife Is Oakland Councilmember Will She Stop 90-Car Protests To Phil Tagami’s House?
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