Oakland 4th Of July Fireworks Bring High Commentary From Instagramer


The Oakland Athletics had their 4th of July fireworks drawing thousands of fans and some Oaklanders.

Meanwhile there were other Oaklanders who elected to watch the horizon in Oakland for fireworks action, and not only were not disappointed, but managed to think up some of the most interesting commentary ever in the modern history of fireworks watching.

Not kidding.

Case in point.

Watch and listen to @btothedouble on Instagram…

#oakland Ahahahaha

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As fits the title of the video “Ahahahaha,” she laughs with a style that reminds this blogger of something just south of Cruella de Vil, the villian from the Disney 1956 classic 101 Dalmatians. Listen to that voice! “I don’t know what to say about this..HAHAHAHA “Hours. Hours going by! Hours! This is just absurd! This is so much money! I mean who. Is. Spending. So much money!” And all as the fireworks go popping off around her.

But in answer to her question about who is spending money on fireworks, it’s well, a lot of people. And when you consider that such types of firework items as “Triple Whistler Bottle Rockets” are less than $16 for a packet of 144 of them, you get the idea that first, it’s not a lot of money to spend, and you get a lot for your coin. That written, I didn’t shoot them off – in fact, I never have in my life.

But that aside, I do want to know what she had for her Oakland 4th of July! That’s hecka funny.

Stay tuned.

Oakland 4th Of July Fireworks Bring High Commentary From Instagramer
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