Oakland Can Support Black Lives Matter And Attack Anti-Asian Racism At The Same Time

Oakland Can Support Black Lives Matter And Attack Anti-Asian Racism At The Same Time

I saw this over at Instagram, and since there’s no repost for WordPress (yet), I made my own. It reads as the title above does: “Oakland Can Support Black Lives Matter And Attack Anti-Asian Racism At The Same Time”.

It’s an answer to the sudden attacks on elderly Asian Americans in Oakland, and a behind-the-scenes talk about how many African Americans in Oakland are also the victims of violent crime, and not just the suspects, as the current white supremacist-oriented media portrays. Painful fact: crime is up all over Oakland, and not just in Chinatown. That said, we have to protect the elderly. That should be our first priority.

By the way, the person responsible for the Chinatown violence was caught. Oakland Police sent this statement to the public:

OPD thanks our community for providing info that led to a person of interest in this case.

Investigators determined this person has been in custody since Feb 1 on unrelated case. Investigators are working hard to forward this case to the DA’s office for review and charging.

But that’s not quelling the new controversy that came out of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s unfortunate statements during an anti-crime event in Chinatown.

Now, both the Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunado Bas and new Oakland District Three Councilmember Caroll Fife have banded together and put out a video expressing their dismay with the Mayor.

Oakland Can Support Black Lives Matter And Attack Anti-Asian Racism At The Same Time
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