Oakland City Council Passes Rebecca Kaplan’s OPD Probation Search Policy

Rebecca Kaplan motioned to send OPD Probation Search Policy to Oakland Police Commission for review.

OAKLAND, CA – Today at the continued Oakland City Council meeting, the controversial issue of OPD’s policy of searching people on Parole and Probation was on the agenda. Many community members and members of the Police Commission spoke out and expressed serious concerns, both about racial profiling, and about the process involved in bringing this policy forward, which did not adequately include and respect the role of the Community Police Commission.

Rebeccca Kaplan (center) with Oakland Councilmember Abel Guillen (right), and Zennie Abraham
Rebeccca Kaplan (center) with Oakland Councilmember Abel Guillen (right), and Zennie Abraham

Councilmember At Large Rebecca Kaplan made a Motion, to send the entire issue back to the Police Commission, including both the Commission’s and OPD’s proposed versions of the policy, for more discussion and feedback, and to not adopt either policy in the meantime. In addition, Kaplan’s motion stated that when the issue returns to Council, the Commission will be included in the process and will get to make a formal presentation to the Council at a public meeting. Councilmembers Lynette McElhaney and Noel Gallo both supported and advocated for the motion as well, which then passed the Council unanimously, along with the support of many members of the public and the Commission.

By sending both versions of the policy back to the Police Commission for their further deliberation and feedback it allows for the Commission to work with OPD to assure the policy makes the appropriate changes.

Kaplan stated: “I strongly appreciate the extensive public support and the unanimous vote of my colleagues, to help ensure accountability and strengthen public trust, by more fully incorporating the proper role of our new Police Commission, prior to adopting policies under their purview. We need to take strong action to remedy racial profiling, and to create strong bonds with our community and our Commission.:”

Councilmember Kaplan expressed this opinion prior to today’s meeting on Twitter where it received significant support.

For OPD parole search issue, to be heard at Council meeting 11am on Friday — I propose to send the whole thing back to the Commission and ensure that the department works with the Commission on revise, then come back to Council with it and include present