Oakland Education Equity Or Else Rally Wednesday June 24th 12pm OUSD 1025 2nd Ave

Mike Hutchinson Oakland School Board

Oakland Education Equity Or Else Rally Wednesday June 24th 12pm OUSD 1025 2nd Ave By Mike Hutchinson

Please join us for our #EducationEquityOrElse national day of action rally.

Education Equity or Else Rally

Wednesday June 24th 12pm

OUSD Administration Building

1025 2nd Ave.

We are in perilous times. We would be naive to assume that this system will equitably reinstate public education; or bring back schools at all. If we want our children to return to a school system that is safe and equitable, we must organize and make the change we want. To that end, the Journey for Justice Alliance, several progressive teacher union locals, and the Center for Popular Democracy are sponsoring a national day of action appropriately themed “Black Lives Matter; Education Equity or Else!”

Our communities in Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati, Little Rock, Jackson, Dallas, Baltimore, Camden, Denver, New York, and Oakland will be demanding police free schools and an equitable reopening.

In Oakland we will be holding a community rally at the Administration Building 1025 2nd Ave, to begin making our demands for a safe and equitable reopening of OUSD.

We demand #PoliceFreeSchools

We demand that the Oakland School Board vote to immediately approve Black Organizing Project’s George Floyd Resolution to eliminate school police for the 2020-21 school year and to fully implement BOP’s Peoples Plan for Police Free Schools.

We demand #NoCutsNoClosures

We demand that the Oakland School Board ensure that there are no budget cuts for our school sites and no cuts to per pupil spending in 2020-21. The school board must reprioritize the budget by eliminating the school police, cutting consultants, and reducing contracts to outside providers. If more funding is needed the school board must first use the reserves before cutting services to students.

We demand that the Oakland School Board pause any plans for school closures, mergers, charter school co-locations, and the lease or sale of OUSD property for the 2020-21 school year. During this pandemic our schools will require social distancing which means we will have to limit class sizes to 10-15. We need to utilize every classroom in every facility to safely accommodate as many students as possible. OUSD must develop a new “utilization formula” for social distancing and the school board must work to ensure OUSD has enough classrooms and staffing for the 2020-21 school year.

We demand #SafeSchools

We demand that the superintendent and school board prioritize the health and safety of students, families, and staff by following all CDC and California Department of Education guidelines for the reopening of schools. Once the guidelines have been met, we demand full testing and PPE be provided to all students and staff and that protocols are in place for if/when a student or staff member tests positive for Covid-19. The school board must ensure that every school has a plan for social distancing, hand washing, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, and a daily deep cleaning before they are reopened.


Here’s the link to the Facebook event:


Oakland Education Equity Or Else Rally Wednesday June 24th 12pm OUSD 1025 2nd Ave
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